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Use the Administration Thin Client

With the Administration Thin Client, we can run wsadmin or a standalone admin Java™ program with only a couple of JAR files. This reduces the amount of time that it takes for wsadmin to start and improved performance. This information should be used to set up JMX client programs.

Verify that the Java™ Development Kit (JDK) is installed on the Administration Thin Client.

The Administration Thin Client does not support the installation of SAR files or editing applications that use an external JACC provider, for example, TAM.

The Administrative Thin Client does not support passing the Kerberos token to a server. It only supports BasicAuth, passing the user ID and password.

For tracing and logging information for the Administration Thin Client, see the Enable trace on client and stand-alone applications article.


  1. Make the Administration Thin Client JAR files available by copying com.ibm.ws.admin.clientXXX.jar from a WAS environment to an environment outside of WAS, for example, c:\MyThinClient.

    The com.ibm.ws.admin.client_7.0.0.jar Administration Thin Client JAR file is located in one of the following locations:

    • The AppServer/runtimes directory.

    • The AppClient/runtimes directory, if we optionally selected the Administration Thin Client when you installed the application client.

    You must have a special license agreement to download these JAR files.

  2. Use the Administration Thin Client JAR files to compile and test administration client programs. For Java applications, we can compile and run the JAR files within a standard Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition environment.

    See see the Compiling an application in a non-OSGi environment using scripting topic.

  3. Copy the messages directory from the $WAS_HOME //properties directory to the C:\MyThinClient\properties directory.

  4. If security is turned on, you will also need the following required files:

    • Copy the com.ibm.ws.security.crypto.jar file from either the AppServer/plugins directory or the AppClient/plugins directory and put it in the C:\MyThinClient directory.

    • Copy the ipc.client.props file from theAppServer\properties or the AppClient\properties directory and put it in the C:\MyThinClient directory.

    • Copy the soap.client.props file from the AppServer\profiles\profileName\properties directory and put it in the C:\MyThinClient\properties directory. Then, enable the client security by setting the com.ibm.CORBA.securityEnabled property to true.

    • Copy sas.client.props from the AppServer/profiles/profileName/properties directory and put it to C:\MyThinClient\properties directory

    • Copy the ipc.client.props file from the AppServer/profiles/profileName/properties directory and put it to C:\MyThinClient\properties directory.

    • Copy or generate the ssl.client.props file from either the AppServer\profiles\profileName/properties directory or the AppClient/properties directory and put it in the C:\MyThinClient\properties directory. Note that this file contains the user.root property. You must modify the value to the thin client directory, for example, C:\MyThinClient.

    • Copy the key.p12 and trust.p12 files from AppServer\profiles\profileName\etc directory and put it to C:\MyThinClient\etc directory. To do this, copy the file to the thin client directory or run a script to generate the file.

      See the following articles:

  5. Launch the Administration Thin Client or run wsadmin remotely in a Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition environment.

  6. Deploy the stand alone JAR files and the admin client applications and start the applications outside of a WAS environment.

Compiling an application in a non-OSGi environment using scripting
Running wsadmin remotely in a Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition environment
Audit invocations of wsadmin


Related information

Use scripting (wsadmin)
Enable trace on client and stand-alone applications
Starting the wsadmin scripting client