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Compiling an application in a non-OSGi environment using scripting

Use wsadmin to use the thin admin client to compile an application.

To use the thin admin client JAR files to compile an application...


  1. Include the com.ibm.ws.admin.client_7.0.0.jar JAR file in the CLASSPATH.

  2. Compile the application.



For example, the JAR file is located in the APP_ROOT/runtimes directory and to compile the ThinAdminClientApplication.java file in the current directory. Use the following to compile the file::

export CLASSPATH=APP_ROOT/runtimes/com.ibm.ws.admin.client_7.0.0.jar:${CLASSPATH}
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac ThinAdminClientApplication.java

Use scripting (wsadmin)
Enable trace on client and stand-alone applications
Start wsadmin
Running wsadmin remotely in a Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition environment