UDDI Publisher collection
We can view the users that are currently registered as UDDI publishers. We can create a UDDI publisher, register a user as a UDDI publisher, assign a UDDI publisher to a tier, and delete a UDDI publisher.
To view this admin console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > [Additional Properties] UDDI Publishers .
To create a UDDI publisher, click New. The UDDI Publisher settings page is displayed, where we can set properties for the new UDDI publisher.
To register one or more existing WAS users as UDDI publishers, click Create publishers. The Create UDDI publishers page is displayed, where we can select users and modify their entitlements.
After users are registered as UDDI publishers, we can click on the user name to display the UDDI Publisher settings page and view or edit their entitlements.
We can assign multiple UDDI publishers to a tier without editing each UDDI publisher individually, by using the following steps:
- Select the appropriate UDDI publishers using the corresponding check boxes in the Select column.
- From the tier list at the top of the collection table, select one of the tiers that is available on the UDDI node.
- Click Assign tier.
To delete one or more UDDI publishers, select the UDDI publishers using the corresponding check boxes in the Select column, then click Delete.
- User name
Name of the UDDI publisher.
- Tier
Tier to which the UDDI publisher is assigned.
UDDI Publisher settings
Related tasks
Manage the UDDI registry 
Related information
UDDI node settings
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console page features
Create UDDI Publishers
Policy groups