Troubleshooting request routing and workload management through the proxy server
This section provides information for how to troubleshoot request traffic that flows through the proxy server. You will need to know the machines and nodes that will belong to the proxy server cluster, because WAS needs to be installed on those machines. You will also need to know the URL for the applications, application deployment, and cluster definition details. The proxy server should be started.
Use the proxy server MBean to determine how requests are routed to applications, and subsequently, to a particular appserver. If the request is being routed incorrectly, we can disable routing to specific applications or reconfigure the routing rules.
- Obtain the Dynamic Route MBean for the proxy server and invoke the operation to generate routing information for the URI. Start wsadmin and get all of the Dynamic Route MBeans as follows:
$AdminControl queryNames type=DynamicRoute,* set routembean <cut and paste the MBean Identifier from the previous command output> $AdminControl invoke $routembean debugRouting {http://*/urlpattern all}Use an asterisk (*) to match all of the virtual hosts, or explicitly specify a virtual host. For example, http://proxy_name:80/urlpattern. The set routembean command should correspond to the MBean from the output of the previous command.The proxy server will start generating routing-related information for all subsequent HTTP requests that match the specified virtual host and URL pattern to SystemOut.log.
- Send representative workload traffic through the proxy server.
- Analyze the routing information in the proxy server SystemOut.log file.
- Make required changes to application routing to enable or disable routing through the proxy server, using the admin console, by clicking Applications > Enteprise Applications.
- Repeat steps two through four until the routing of all requests are satisfied.
- Disable gathering routing information using wsadmin as follows:
$AdminControl invoke $routembean stopDebugRouting
The proxy server and the applications are correctly configured for external access.
Related tasks
Troubleshooting the proxy server 
Related information
Set up the proxy server