Set up the proxy server
The proxy server is the initial point of entry, after the firewall, for requests into the enterprise. Proxy servers protect the identity of the content servers from the Web clients by leveraging response transformations (URL rewriting), and can improve performance by caching content locally and by protecting the content servers from surges in traffic.
Setup the proxy server
Create a proxy server cluster
Manage a proxy server cluster
Migrate profiles for the proxy server
Customize routing to applications
Route requests to ODC-compliant appservers in other cells
Set rules to route requests to Web servers
Modify the HTTP endpoints that the proxy server listens on
Add a new HTTP endpoint for the proxy server
Set up caching in the proxy server
Route requests from a plug-in to a proxy server
Create a proxy server cluster using the wsadmin
Monitor the proxy server with PMI
Monitor traffic through the proxy server
Overview of the custom error page policy
Request mapping
Session failover in the proxy server
Install a SIP proxy server
Troubleshoot the proxy server
Session Initiation Protocol overload protectionInstall a SIP proxy server.
Set SIP quorum support using the default core group
Set the SIP proxy for network outage detection
Administer proxy actions
Administer custom advisors for the proxy server
Create custom advisors for the proxy server
Administer proxy virtual hosts
Administer proxy rule expressions
Create a custom filter and deploy it to a proxy server
Set denial of service protection for the proxy server
Tune the security properties for the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS
Set a DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM
WebSphere DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS
SIP proxy server custom properties