Transaction support and the Spring Framework
For Spring Framework V2.5 or later, we can use the declarative transaction model, use the Spring Framework support for the AspectJ programming extension, or use annotation-based transaction support. For versions of the Spring Framework earlier than V2.5, and for versions of the application server that do not provide the UOWManager interface, we can use a Spring Framework configuration that supports a restricted set of transaction attributes.
Declarative transaction model
WAS V6.0.2.19 or later and V6.1.0.9 or later support the Spring Framework declarative transaction model to drive resource updates under transactional control. The WebSphereUowTransactionManager class in Spring Framework 2.5 uses the UOWManager interface in the appserver to manage the transaction context. Because transaction demarcation is managed through the UOWManager interface, an appropriate global transaction or local transaction containment (LTC) context is always available when a resource provider is accessed.
See about the UOWManager interface and JTA support, see the related topic. The WebSphereUowTransactionManager class supports the following Spring Framework transaction attributes:
Use the following declaration for the WAS transaction support:
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.WebSphereUowTransactionManager"/>A Spring bean that references the previous declaration can then use Spring Framework dependency injection to use the transaction support. For example:
<bean id="someBean" class="some.class"> <property name="transactionManager" > <ref bean="transactionManager"/> </property> ... </bean> <property name="transactionAttributes"> <props> <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop> </props> </property>
The AspectJ programming extension
Use the Spring Framework support for the AspectJ programming extension.The following example code declares a <tx:advice/> element with the following transactional behavior:
- All methods that start with the string get have the transaction attribute PROPAGATION_REQUIRED.
- All methods that start with the string set have the transaction attribute PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW.
- All other methods use the default transaction settings.
For example:
<tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager"> <tx:attributes> <tx:method name="get*" propagation="REQUIRED" read-only="true" /> <tx:method name="set*" propagation="REQUIRES_NEW" /> <tx:method name="*" /> </tx:attributes> </tx:advice>Then we can apply the settings to the required operation by declaring a pointcut. We can apply the settings to various parts of the application.
The following example code applies the settings to any operation that is defined in the class MyService.
<aop:config> <aop:pointcut id="myServiceOperation" expression="execution(* sample.service.MyService.*(..))"/> <aop:advisor advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut-ref="myServiceOperation"/> </aop:config>
Annotation-based transaction support
To use the annotation-based transaction support, we need Java Platform, Standard Edition 5 (Java SE 5) or later. Therefore, we can use this method with WAS V 6.1 or later. Add the following line to the Spring.xml configuration:
<tx:annotation-driven/>Mark any methods that require transactional attributes with the @Transactional annotation...
@Transactional(readOnly = true) public String getUserName() { ... }Use the @Transactional annotation to annotate only public methods.
Transaction support with Spring Framework before V2.5
You can use a Spring Framework configuration that supports a restricted set of transaction attributes.
Use this method of transaction support with versions of the Spring Framework before V2.5 that do not provide the WebSphereUowTransactionManager class. We can also use this method of transaction support with versions of WAS earlier than V6.0.2.19 and V6.1.0.9 that do not provide the UOWManager interface. The configuration supports the following Spring Framework transaction attributes:
Use the following Spring Framework configuration:
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager"> <property name="autodetectTransactionManager"value="false" /> </bean>The configuration does not support the following Spring Framework transaction attributes:
WAS does not support the use of the Spring Framework class org.springframework.transaction.jta.WebSphereTransactionManagerFactoryBean.
Related concepts
JTA support
Spring Framework 
Related information
Spring Documentation