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Spring Framework

There are some considerations and best practises to develop Spring Framework applications that can run successfully in a WAS environment.

The Spring Framework is an open source project that provides a framework for simple Java objects that enables them to use the Java EE container through wrapper classes and XML configuration.

Use the Spring Framework with WAS V 6.0.2 and later, but some supported features require a specific release of WAS ND. When this situation applies, it is stated in the relevant topic.

For WAS V7.0, use Spring Framework V2.5.5 or later.

In general, if both WAS and the Spring Framework provide a service, it is preferable to design the application to use the service in the appserver directly. In this way, you verify the application is based on the open standards that the appserver supports and has flexibility for future deployment. Also, you verify the application can use the qualities of service that the appserver provides, such as security, workload management, and high availability.


Presentation layer and the Spring Framework
Data access and the Spring Framework
Transaction support and the Spring Framework
JMX and MBeans with the Spring Framework
JMS and the Spring Framework
Class loaders and the Spring Framework
Thread management and the Spring Framework


Related information

Use Spring and Hibernate with WAS
Spring Documentation