Tier collection
We can view a list of the available tiers for the UDDI node. We can create new tiers, modify tiers, set the default tier, and delete tiers.
To view this admin console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Tiers.
To set the properties of a tier, click on the tier name in the list to display the UDDI Tier settings page.
To create a tier, click New. The UDDI Tier settings page is displayed, where we can set properties for the new tier.
One tier in the collection is marked as the default tier, indicated by the word (default) next to the tier name. The default tier is assigned to UDDI publishers that are registered automatically when automatic user registration is turned on. To set the default tier, select the tier using the corresponding check box in the Select column, then click Set default.
To delete a tier, select the tier using the corresponding check box in the Select column, then click Delete. We cannot delete a tier that is marked as the default tier, or that is currently assigned to a UDDI publisher.
- Name
Name of the tier.
- Description
Description of the tier.
UDDI Tier settings
Related tasks
Manage the UDDI registry 
Related information
UDDI node settings
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console page features