Set WebSphere MQ connection pooling



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Support for connection pooling does not affect the performance of a message listener, because it retains its connections while listening on a destination, but does affect the overall JMS system performance. When a connection is no longer required, WebSphere MQ can pool the connection then reuse it later instead of destroying it.

This support is only available for use with WebSphere MQ as a JMS provider.

To enable WebSphere MQ connection pooling for an appserver...

  1. Go to...

    Servers | Server Types | WebSphere application servers | server_name | Additional Properties | Message Listener Service properties | Custom Properties

  2. Add the following custom properties...


    Maximum number of unused connections in the pool.


    Timeout in milliseconds for unused connections in the pool.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Save any changes to the master configuration.

  5. Restart the appserver


Related concepts

Asynchronous messaging using JMS - overview


Related tasks

Set JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider



WebSphere MQ library