Resource manager local transaction (RMLT)
A resource manager local transaction (RMLT) is a resource manager's view of a local transaction; that is, it represents a unit of recovery on a single connection that is managed by the resource manager.
Resource managers include:
- Enterprise Information Systems that are accessed through a resource adapter.
- Relational databases that are accessed through a JDBC datasource.
- JMS queue and topic destinations.
Resource managers offer specific interfaces to enable control of their RMLTs. Resource adapter components of the Java EE connector architecture that include support for local transactions provide a LocalTransaction interface. The LocalTransaction interface enables applications to request that the resource adapter commits or rolls back RMLTs. JDBC datasources provide a Connection interface for the same purpose.
The boundary at which all RMLTs must be complete is defined in WAS by a local transaction containment (LTC).
Related concepts
Local transaction containment (LTC)
Transaction support in WAS 
Related information
Java EE Connector Architecture