Plan to use Web services
Web services scenario: Overview contains the online garden supply retailer application Plants by WebSphere, which employs Web services concepts.
The Samples Gallery contains JAX-WS samples that demonstrate message exchange patterns using synchronous and asynchronous invocation of Web services in SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 environments. The samples are composed with Web service standards such as...
- WS-Addressing (WS-A)
- WS-Reliable Messaging (WS-RM)
- WS-Secure Conversation (WS-SC)
The samples demonstrate the use of...
- Java Beans artifacts
- static service endpoints
- proxy-based clients
- Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
IBM WAS supports the JAX-WS and JAX-RPC models. JAX-WS is the next generation Web services model extending the foundation provided by the JAX-RPC model, providing support for annotations.
Web services reflect the service-oriented architecture approach to programming, which is based on the idea of building applications by discovering and implementing network-available services. Web services applications provide a way for components created in different programming languages to work together as if they were created using the same language. Web services rely on existing transport technologies, such as HTTP, and standard data encoding techniques, such as XML, for invoking the implementation.
Service-oriented architecture
Web services approach to a service-oriented architecture
Web services business models supported
Accessing the Samples (Samples Gallery)
Related tasks
Install enterprise application files
Task overview: Implement Web services applications
Implement Web services applications with JAX-WS
Implement Web services applications from existing WSDL files with JAX-WS
Implement Web services applications with JAX-RPC
Implement Web services applications from existing WSDL files with JAX-RPC
Implementing JAX-WS Web services clients
Implementing JAX-RPC Web services clients
Implementing extensions to JAX-WS Web services clients
Implementing extensions to JAX-RPC Web services clients 
Related information
Web services hints and tips: JAX-RPC vs JAX-WS
Web services hints and tips: JAX-RPC vs JAX-WS Part 2