Nodes collection for the administrative agent
To view the appserver nodes that are registered to the administrative agent. The administrative agent provides a single interface to the registered nodes.
To view this admin console page, click System Administration >
Administrative agent > Nodes. Application Server nodes already registered to an administrative agent can also be registered to job managers. Job managers allow us to asynchronously submit and administer jobs for large numbers of unfederated appservers and dmgrs over a geographically dispersed area.
- Register with Job manager
- Allows you to register a node with the job manager
- Unregister from a Job Manager
- Allows you to unregister a node from the job manager
- Name
Name for an appserver node that is registered to the administrative agent. The name is read-only.
Registered nodes settings
Related tasks
Administer nodes using the administrative agent
Administrative console buttons
Administrative agent settings
Job managers collection