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Manage certificate expiration settings

To configure the certificate expiration monitor.

To view this admin console page, click Security > SSL certificate and key management. Under Configuration settings, clickManage certificate expiration.

To see the changes to the Expiration checking fields, click Apply.

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Expiration notification threshold

Period of time that occurs chronologically just before the expiration day of the certificate, within which, if the ExpirationMonitor thread runs, and Automatically replace expiring self-signed and chained certificates is enabled, a new self-signed or chained certificate is generated. By default, the replacement period for the certificate is 60 days in length or less as defined in the daysBeforeNotification property.

There is a pre-notification period where the certificate is added to the notification list but not touched for 90 days prior to the 60 days. By default, this pre-notification period is 90 days in length as defined in the com.ibm.ws.security.expirationMonitorNotificationPeriod property.

Data type: Integer
Default: 60 days or less

Enable checking

Certificate monitor is active and will run as scheduled.

Scheduled time of day to check for expired certificates

Scheduled time that the system checks for expired certificates.

We can type the scheduled time in hours and minutes, specify either A.M. or P.M., or 24-hour.

Data type Integer
Default: 0, 0
Range: 1–12, 0–59

Check by calendar

Indicates to schedule a specific day of the week on which the expiration monitor runs. For example, it might run on Sunday.

Default: Disabled


Day of the week on which the expiration monitor runs if Check on a specific day is selected.

Default: Sunday
Range: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Repeat interval

Period of time between each schedule time to check for expired certificates or the interval between schedule checks.

Default: Daily
Range: Daily, Weekly

Check by number of days

Specifies to schedule a specific number of days between each run of the expiration monitor. The day of the week on which this occurs is not counted. For example, if we set the interval to check for expired certificates every seven days, the expiration monitor runs on day eight.

Default: Disabled

Next start date

Date for the next scheduled check. This allows the dmgr to be stopped and restarted without resetting the date.

Expiration check notification

Notification type (such as e-mail or System Out) when an expiration monitor runs.


Automatically replace expiring self-signed certificates and chained certificates

New self-signed certificate or chained certificate be generated using the same certificate information if the expiration notification threshold is reached. The old certificate is replaced and uses the same alias. All old signers are managed by the key store configuration are also replaced. The system only replaces self-signed certificates.

This checkbox is only applicable when using file based keystores.

Default: Enabled

Delete expiring certificates and signers after replacement

Whether to completely remove old, self-signed certificates from the key store during a replace operation or leave them there under a renamed alias. If an old certificate is not deleted, the system renames the alias so that the new certificate can use the old alias, which might be referenced elsewhere in the configuration.

This checkbox is only applicable when using file based keystores.

Default: Enabled


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Create an SSL configuration



SSL certificate and key management
Manage endpoint security configurations