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Main policy and bootstrap policy settings

To specify how message security policies are applied to requests and enforced on responses, as defined by the main policy settings and the bootstrap policy settings. Assertions for WS-Security versions are already generated based on assertions in the policy set. If the policy set includes a WS-Security V1.1 assertion, then Web Services Security V1.1, itself, is asserted.

To view this admin console page, use one of the following steps:

  1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name.

  2. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.

  3. Click the Main policy link or the Bootstrap policy link.

Message level protection

Whether message level protection, using digital signatures and encryption, is required.

Require signature confirmation

Whether the signature confirmation is required. Select this check box to require a signature confirmation.

Message part protection

Whether message part protection, using digital signatures and encryption, is required.

Request message part protection

Click this link to define which request message parts you want protected and how that protection is provided.

Response message part protection

Click this link to define policies that specify which response message parts you want protected and how that protection is provided.

When the Message level protection check box is cleared, the link to Request message part protection is disabled, because the configuration information associated with message level security is removed when message level protection is cleared.

Key symmetry – Use symmetric tokens

Whether to use symmetric tokens. Select this radio button to use symmetric tokens. We can then configure symmetric tokens using the Symmetric signature and encryption policies link. Click this link to access the Symmetric signature and encryption policies panel where we can create the trust context in which to use symmetric tokens. Using the same token for signing and validating messages and encrypting and decrypting messages provides higher performance than can be achieved with asymmetric tokens. Use symmetric tokens within a trust context. If a custom Kerberos token type is used, select the Use symmetric tokens option.

Key symmetry – Use asymmetric tokens

Whether to use asymmetric tokens. Select this button to use asymmetric tokens. We can then configure asymmetric tokens using the Asymmetric signature and encryption policies link. Click this link to access the Asymmetric signature and encryption policies panel where we can create the trust context (message integrity and confidentiality) in which to use asymmetric tokens. Specify which token type to use for the initiator and recipient signature as well as the initiator and recipient encryption.

Include time stamp in security header

Whether to use a time stamp in the header. Select this check box to include a time stamp in the header. We can then specify where in the header to place the time stamp by using the Security header layout radio buttons.

Security header layout

Layout rules for the security header.

Use the following radio buttons for the security header layout:

Strict: declarations must precede use

The declarations in the header must precede the use.

Layout (Lax): order of contents can vary

The order of contents in the header can vary.

Lax but timestamp required first in header

The timestamp must be first in the header, but the order of the remaining elements can vary.

Lax but timestamp required last in header

The timestamp must be last in the header, but the order of the remaining elements can vary.

Policy details

Specifies links for accessing the request token policies, response token policies, and algorithms for asymmetric tokens. Click these links to view token policies and cannonicalization algorithms that are supported. Algorithms are used to reconcile XML differences.

Request token policies

Click this link to define policies that specify which types of supporting authentication tokens are used in the request and the properties of those token types.

Response token policies

Click this link to define policies that specify which types of supporting authentication tokens are used in the response and the properties of those token types.

Algorithms for symmetric or asymmetric tokens

Links to a view of available algorithms. Click this link to view the cryptographic and cannonicalization algorithms that are supported. Algorithms are used to reconcile XML differences.


Asymmetric signature and encryption policies settings
Symmetric signature and encryption policies settings
Algorithms settings
Message part protection settings
Signed part settings
Encrypted message part settings


Related tasks

Manage policy sets
Set the WS-Security policy



Request or Response token policies collection
Application policy sets collection
Application policy set settings
WS-Security policy settings