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LDAP performance settings

To minimize impacts to performance by adding opened connections and contexts to internally maintained pools and reusing them. Also minimize performance impacts by maintaining internal caches of retrieved data.

  1. In the admin console, click...

      Security | Global security

  2. Under User account repository, select Federated repositories from the Available realm definitions field and click Configure.

  3. Under Related items, click Manage repositories.

  4. Click Add to specify a new external repository or select an external repository that is preconfigured.

  5. Under Additional properties, click Performance.

When you finish adding or updating the federated repository configuration, go to the Security > Global security panel and click Apply to validate the changes.

Limit search time

Timeout value in milliseconds for a LDAP server to respond before stopping a request.

Data type: Integer
Units: Milliseconds
Default: 0
Range: Equal to or greater than 0. A value of 0 specifies that no search time limit exists.

Limit search returns

Maximum number of entries that are returned in a search result.

Data type: Integer
Units: Entries
Default: 0
Range: Equal to or greater than 0. A value of 0 specifies that no search return limit exists.

Use connection pooling

Whether to utilize the connection pooling function, which is provided in the SDK.

Connection pooling is maintained by the Java™ run time. It is configured by system properties.

Default: Disabled
Range: Enabled or Disabled

Enable context pool

Whether context pooling is enabled to the LDAP server. To improve performance, use the context pool in combination with connection pooling.

Default: Enabled
Range: Enabled or Disabled

Initial size

Number of context instances in the pool when the pool is initially created by the LDAP repository.

Data type: Integer
Default: 1
Range: 1 to 50

Preferred size

Preferred number of context instances that the context pool maintains. Both in-use and idle context instances contribute to this number.

Data type: Integer
Default: 3
Range: 0 to 100

Maximum size

Maximum number of context instances that can be maintained concurrently by the context pool. Both in-use and idle context instances contribute to this number.

When the pool size reaches the maximum size, no new context instances can be created for a new request. The new request is blocked until a context instance is released or removed. The request periodically checks for context instances that are available in the pool. A request for a pooled context instance uses an existing pooled and idle context instance or a newly created pooled context instance.

A maximum pool size of 0 indicates that the context pool can maintain an infinite number of context instances.

Data type: Integer
Default: 0

Context pool times out

Number of seconds for the context pool to time out and remove idle context instances.

A timeout value of 0 indicates that the context pool does not time out context instances.

Data type: Integer
Default: 0

Cache the attributes

Whether to cache the attributes that are returned from the LDAP server.

Default: Enabled
Range: Enabled or Disabled

Cache size

Maximum size of the cache.

Data type: Integer
Default: 4000
Range: Equal to or greater than 100

Cache times out

Maximum number of seconds that the cached search results can stay in the cache.

A timeout value of 0 indicates that the cached search results stay in the cache until update operations are made.

Data type: Integer
Units: Seconds
Default: 1200
Range: Equal to or greater than 0

Cache the search results

Whether to cache the search results that are returned from the LDAP server.

Default: Enabled
Range: Enabled or Disabled

Cache size

Maximum size of the cache.

Data type: Integer
Default: 2000
Range: Equal to or greater than 100

Cache times out

Maximum number of seconds that the cached search results can stay in the cache.

A timeout value of 0 indicates that the cached search results stay in the cache until update operations are made.

Data type: Integer
Units: Seconds
Default: 600
Range: Equal to or greater than 0


Related tasks

Manage the realm in a federated repository configuration
Increasing the performance of the federated repository configuration