Authorization group configuration scripts
The scripting library provides multiple script procedures to automate the appserver configurations. Use the scripts in this topic to create, configure, remove and query the security authorization group configuration. We can run each script individually or combine procedures to create custom automation scripts.
The AdminAuthorizations script procedures are located in...
Use the following script procedures to configure authorization groups:
Use the following script procedures to remove users and groups from the security authorization settings:
- deleteAuthorizationGroup
- removeGroupFromAllAdminRoles
- removeGroupsFromAdminRole
- removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup
- removeUserFromAllAdminRoles
- removeUsersFromAdminRole
Use the following script procedures to query the security authorization group configuration:
- help
- listAuthorizationGroups
- listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID
- listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID
- listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource
- listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup
- listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup
- listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup
- listResourcesForUserID
This script adds a resource to an existing authorization group in the configuration. We can create a fine-grained admin authorization groups by selecting admin resources to be part of the authorization group. We can assign users or groups to this new admin authorization group and also give them access to the admin resources contained within.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name and resource name, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. resource Name of the resource to add to the authorization group of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.addResourceToAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName, resource)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.addResourceToAuthorizationGroup("myAuthGroup", "Node=myNode:Server=myServer")
This script creates a new authorization group in the configuration. Administrative authorization groups that specify users and groups that have certain authorities with the selected resources.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group to create.
AdminAuthorizations.createAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName)Example usage
This script maps group IDs to one or more admin roles in the authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines the authorization table. The group ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name in case LDAP user registry is used.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name, administrative role, and group ID arguments, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. adminRole Name of the admin role to which the system maps the user IDs. groupIDs Group IDs to map to the role and authorization group.
AdminAuthorizations.mapGroupsToAdminRole(authGroupName, adminRole, groupIDs)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.mapGroupsToAdminRole("myAuthGroup", "administrator", "group01 group02 group03")
This script maps user IDs to one or more admin roles in the authorization group. The name of the authorization group that you provide determines the authorization table. The user ID can be a short name or fully qualified domain name in case LDAP user registry is used.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name, admin role, and user ID arguments, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. adminRole Name of the admin role to which the system maps the user IDs. userIDs User IDs to map to the role and authorization group.
AdminAuthorizations.mapUsersToAdminRole(authGroupName, adminRole, userIDs)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.mapUsersToAdminRole("myAuthGroup", "administrator", "user01 user02 user03")
This script removes an authorization group from the security configuration.
To run the script, specify the authorization group argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group to delete.
AdminAuthorizations.deleteAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName)Example usage
This script removes a specific group from an admin role in each authorization group in the configuration.
To run the script, specify the group ID argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description groupID Group ID to remove from the administrative role in each authorization group in the configuration.
AdminAuthorizations.removeGroupFromAllAdminRoles(groupID)Example usage
This script removes specific groups from an admin role in the authorization group of interest.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name, administrative role, and group ID arguments, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. adminRole Name of the admin role from which to remove the user IDs. groupIDs Group IDs to remove from the specific role in the authorization group.
AdminAuthorizations.removeUsersFromAdminRole(authGroupName, adminRole, groupIDs)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.removeUsersFromAdminRole("myAuthGroup", "administrator", "group01 group02 group03")
This script removes a specific resource from the authorization group of interest.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name and resource name arguments, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. resource Name of the resource to remove.
AdminAuthorizations.removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName, resource)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup("myAuthGroup", "Node=myNode:Server=myServer")
This script removes a specific user from an admin role in each authorization group in the configuration.
To run the script, specify the following arguments:
Argument Description userID User ID to remove from the administrative role in each authorization group in the configuration.
AdminAuthorizations.removeUserFromAllAdminRoles(userID)Example usage
This script removes specific users from an admin role in the authorization group of interest.
To run the script, specify the following arguments:
Argument Description authGroupName Name of the authorization group of interest. adminRole Name of the admin role from which to remove the user IDs. userIDs User IDs to remove from the specific role in the authorization group.
AdminAuthorizations.removeUsersFromAdminRole(authGroupName, adminRole, userIDs)Example usage
AdminAuthorizations.removeUsersFromAdminRole("myAuthGroup", "administrator", "user01 user02 user03")
This script displays the script procedures that the AdminClusterManagement script library supports. To display detailed help for a specific script, specify the name of the script of interest, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description script Name of the script of interest.
Syntax usage"listAuthorizationGroups")
This script displays each authorization group in the security configuration. This script does not require arguments.
AdminAuthorizations.listAuthorizationGroups()Example usage
This script displays each authorization group to which a specific user ID has access.
To run the script, specify the user ID argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description userID User ID for which to display authorization groups.
AdminAuthorizations.listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID(userID)Example usage
This script displays each authorization group to which a specific group ID has access.
To run the script, specify the group ID argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description groupID Group ID for which to display authorization groups.
AdminAuthorizations.listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID(groupID)Example usage
This script displays each authorization group to which a specific resource is mapped.
To run the script, specify the resource name argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description resource Resource of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource(resource)Example usage
This script displays the user IDs and access level that are associated with a specific authorization group.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupname Name of the authorization group of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName)Example usage
This script displays the group IDs and access level that are associated with a specific authorization group.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupname Name of the authorization group of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName)Example usage
This script displays the resources that are associated with a specific authorization group.
To run the script, specify the authorization group name argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description authGroupname Name of the authorization group of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup(authGroupName)Example usage
This script displays the resources that a specific user ID can access.
To run the script, specify the user ID argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description userID User ID of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listResourcesForUserID(userID)Example usage
This script displays the resources that a specific group ID can access.
To run the script, specify the group ID argument, as defined in the following table:
Argument Description groupID Group ID of interest.
AdminAuthorizations.listResourcesForGroupID(groupID)Example usage
Related concepts
Fine-grained admin security
Related tasks
Use the script library to automate the application serving environment
Create a fine-grained admin authorization group
Edit a fine-grained admin authorization group