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Java 2WSDL command for JAX-RPC applications

The Java 2WSDL command-line tool maps Java classes to a WSDL file for JAX-RPC applications.

The Java 2WSDL command maps a Java class to a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file by following the Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Call (JAX-RPC) 1.1 specification.

The Java 2WSDL command accepts a Java class as input and produces a WSDL file that represents the input class. If a file exists at the output location, it is overwritten. The WSDL file that is generated by the Java 2WSDL command contains WSDL and XML schema constructs that are automatically derived from the input class. We can override these default values with command-line arguments.

The Java 2WSDL command is protocol independent; when you run the Java 2WSDL command, we can specify command-line options that generate both SOAP and non-SOAP protocol bindings in the WSDL file. For each binding that can be generated, the Java 2WSDL command has a binding generator to generate the WSDL for that binding.


Command line syntax and arguments

The command line syntax is:

Java 2WSDL [argument...] class

The following command-line arguments are supported:


Required arguments


Important arguments


Other arguments

Related concepts

Assembly tools


Related tasks

Implementing Web services applications with JAX-RPC
Implementing Web services applications from existing WSDL files with JAX-RPC



Mapping between Java language, WSDL and XML for JAX-RPC applications
WSDL2Java command for JAX-RPC applications
Web services specifications and APIs