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JMS endpoint URL syntax

As part of an emerging industry-standard SOAP over JMS protocol, a Java™ Message Service (JMS) endpoint URL syntax has been defined. A JMS endpoint URL is used to access JAX-WS or JAX-RPC Web services with the JMS transport. This URL specifies the JMS destination and connection factory, as well as the port component name for the Web service request. This endpoint URL is similar to the HTTP endpoint URL, which specifies the host and port as well as the context root and port component name.

Supported configurations: WAS Version 7.0 introduces support for an emerging industry standard SOAP over JMS protocol. The SOAP over JMS spec provides a standard set of interoperability guidelines for using a JMS-compliant transport with SOAP messages to enable interoperability between the implementations of different vendors. Using this standard, a mixture of client and server components from different vendors can interoperate when exchanging SOAP request and response messages over the JMS transport for both JAX-WS and JAX-RPC Web services. By using the JMS transport, the enterprise beans based Web service clients and servers can communicate through JMS queues and topics instead of through HTTP connections. sptcfg

IBM and other vendors have been working on the W3C SOAP over JMS spec since 2005. The spec has been submitted to W3C and a working group is established. The current member submission of this document was jointly published in October, 2007. The appserver supports the current draft specification from W3C.

Supported configurations: A JMS endpoint URL has the following general form:

The URL consists of the jms: transport type, followed by the jndi: variant type, followed by the JNDI name of the destination queue or topic, followed by the query string containing a list of property and value pairs that are used to specify various JMS endpoint information. The jndi: variant means that JNDI is used to locate object names in the endpoint URL string.

The properties supported in the URL string are described in the following tables:

Table 1. Destination-related properties (required

Property name Description
jndiConnectionFactoryName JNDI name of the connection factory used by the client runtime to establish a connection to the JMS messaging engine.
targetService Name of the port component to which the request is dispatched.

Table 2. JNDI-related properties (optional)

Property name Description
jndiInitialContextFactory Name of the initial context factory class to use. This value maps to the java.naming.factory.initial property.
jndiURL JNDI provider URL. This value maps to the java.naming.provider.url property.

Table 3. JMS-related properties (optional)

Property name Description
deliveryMode Indicates whether the request message is persistent or not. The valid values are PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT. The default value is NON_PERSISTENT.
timeToLive Lifetime, in milliseconds, of the request message. A value of 0 indicates an infinite lifetime. If this parameter is not specified, then the JMS-defined default value is used.
priority JMS priority associated with the request message. Specify this value as a positive integer from 0, the lowest priority, to 9, the highest priority. If this parameter is not specified, then the JMS-defined default value is used.
replyToName JNDI name of the JMS destination to which the response message is sent. Using this optional property enables the client to use a previously defined, permanent queue rather than a temporary queue, for receiving replies.

The required properties jndiConnectionFactoryName and targetService must be in the JMS endpoint URL string. The remaining properties are optional.

If we set values for the deliveryMode, timeToLive, and priority properties on the JMS request, these values are propagated from the JMS request message to the corresponding JMS reply message.

See the SOAP over Java Message Service spec in the Web services specifications and APIs documentation to learn more about this industry standard.


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Use SOAP over Java Message Service to transport Web services



SOAP over JMS protocol
Web services specifications and APIs