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Install Application Client for WAS silently

This page provides the steps necessary to use the installation wizard and perform a silent installation.

Use these steps to perform a silent installation, which uses the installation wizard to install WAS ND. Instead of displaying a user interface, the silent installation provides interaction between you and the wizard by reading all of the responses from a file that customize.


  1. Verify that the user ID that we are using to run the silent installation has sufficient authority to perform the task.

  2. Customize the option response file.

    1. Locate the sample options response file. The file name is setup.response in the operating system platform directory on WAS CD-ROM.

    2. Make a copy to preserve the original response file. For example, copy the file as myoptionsfile.

    3. Edit the copy in the flat file editor of choice, on the target operating system. Read the directions within the response file to choose appropriate values.

      [AIX] To prepare the file for a silent installation on AIX, use UNIX line-end characters (0x0D0A) to terminate each line of the options response file.

    4. Make a non-commented option to have a silent install.

    5. Include custom option responses that reflect parameters for your system.

    6. Follow the instructions in the response file to choose appropriate values.

    7. Save the file.

  3. Issue a command to use the custom response file: Install.exe -options myoptionsfile -silent for Windows platforms and install -options ./myoptionsfile -silent for Linux and UNIX platforms.

    The sample options response file is located in the AppClient directory on WAS CD-ROM.

    1. Issue the following command from a command prompt to update your response file: -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true' .

      Issuing this command indicates that you accept all IBM license terms associated with this product, which is necessary for installing application clients.

  4. Restart the machine in response to the prompt that appears on Windows platforms when the installation is complete.



You installed application clients silently by using the response file.

Troubleshooting an invalid response file name that was submitted during the silent installation. If we get a response file error, the response file name may have been typed incorrectly. Verify that this is the problem by removing the -silent command and leaving -options <responsefile>. You may get a pop-up window or command line error stating that the wizard cannot continue because of the following error: The response file was not found (1001) (403). The response file that we are passing cannot be found on the system. Make sure that the path is correct, with no spelling mistakes, and try the installation again.


Next steps

To verify the silent install, look for the string INSTCONFSUCCESS in the log.txt file for successful installation and INSTCONFFAILED for a failed installation.

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

The install command returns a return code of 0 to indicate a successful installation, 1 to indicate failure and 2 to indicate partial success. Any other return code means that the installation failed. When the InstallShield for MultiPlatforms (ISMP) fails and the log.txt file is not created, the error log file might have been created in one of the following directories:


Related tasks

Install Application Client for WAS



Best practices for installing Application Client for WAS


Related information

WAS detailed system requirements