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Install Application Client for WAS

The Application Client provides resources and clients to aid development of client applications for use with WAS. The Application Client is a source for the clients (as runtime frameworks) for client applications, either to run on the Application Client machine or to be distributed with client applications that are to run on other machines.

Before you start to use the installation tools, prepare for choosing and installing the variety of options and features provided by the Application Client. Read through all the steps in this topic and read the related topics; specifically, read these topics before installing the Application Client:

IBM recommends that we have 350 MB of temporary disk space available before starting the installation.

Application Client for WAS ships only with the 32-bit WAS.

To assemble some types of client applications we need to install the client that provides the framework for the client application. Instead of installing the appserver we can install the Application Client feature, which provides the same resources and clients to aid development of client applications.

Similarly, running some types of client applications for use with WAS requires that the associated client is deployed with the client application. For client applications that only need a small fraction of the Application Client, we can install the Application Client onto a convenient machine, such as the machine used to develop the client application, then package the client application with only the clients it needs. For example, this means that a stand-alone client application is deployed only the required fraction of the clients provided with the Application Client.

See the Supported Prerequisites page for more information on supported product platforms. The V7.0 Application Client for WAS can be installed on a machine that has a previous version of Application Client. However, we cannot install the V7.0 Application Client on top of a previous version of the Application Client. For example, if V 5 Application Client exists on a Windows machine in the C:\WebSphere\AppClient directory, we cannot choose the same install location for the V7.0 Application Client installation.

The Applet client and ActiveX client on Windows cannot coexist with V 5.0.x and V4.x of the clients. For example, the Applet client feature in V6.x or later cannot coexist with the Applet client feature in V 5.0.x or earlier. This coexistence is not available because the installation of Applet client feature in V7.0 sets the browser default Java Virtual Machine (JVM) using the Java SE Runtime Environment 6 from the V 7.0 installation, which is Java Runtime Environment V1.4.2. Similarly, the ActiveX to EJB Bridge feature in V7.0 sets the Windows system path to use the JRE 6 from the V7.0 installation.


To register an application on the Windows operating system, be registered in the Administrator group. If we install Application Client and we are not a member of the Administrator group, the Windows registration does not register the installer in the Windows registry. Consequently, there will not be an entry for Application Client in the Add or Remove Programs window.




You successfully installed the Application Client for WAS and the features you selected.


Next steps

Use the installation verification utility to verify a successful installation. If the installation is not successful, fix the error as indicated in the installation error message. For example, if we do not have enough disk space, add more space, and reinstall the Application Client.

Best practices for installing Application Client for WAS
Install Application Client for WebSphere® Application Server silently
[AIX] [Linux] [HP-UX] [Solaris]

(Windows) Uninstall Application Client for WAS


Related information

WAS detailed system requirements