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General JAX-WS default bindings for WS-Security

General bindings are used as the default bindings at the cell level or server level, or for multiple domains, at the domain level. The general bindings that are included with WAS are initially set as the default bindings. However, we can choose a different binding as the default, or change the level of binding used as the default, for example, from cell-level binding to server-level binding. Policy set bindings contain platform-specific information, such as keystore, authentication information or persistent information, required by a policy set attachment. In WAS V7.0, there are two types of bindings: application-specific bindings, and general bindings. Both types of bindings are supported for WS-Security policy sets. General bindings can be used as default bindings, and can also be shared across multiple applications and for trust service attachments. There are two types of general bindings: one for service providers and one for service clients. We can define multiple general bindings for the provider and also for the client.

New feature: The configuration of the default cell level and default server level bindings has changed in WAS V7.0. Previously, you could configure only one set of default bindings for the cell, and optionally configure one set of default bindings for each server. In V7.0, we can configure one or more general provider bindings and one or more general client bindings. However, only one general provider binding and one general client binding can be designated as the default

Default bindings are used when no application-specific binding or trust service binding has been assigned to a policy set attachment. We can choose the general provider and general client bindings, which are used as the default bindings for the cell. These are the global security settings. Likewise, we can choose the general provider and general client bindings, which are used as the default bindings for a server. For specific information about selecting bindings, see the topic Defining and managing policy set bindings.

In an environment with multiple security domains, we can also choose the general provider and general client bindings, which are used as the default bindings for a domain. If we do not choose a binding to be the default for a server, the default bindings for the domain in which the server resides are used. If we do not choose a binding to be the default for a domain, the default bindings for the cell (global security) are used. You must choose default provider and default client bindings for the cell.

The general bindings that are included with WAS are initially set as the cell default bindings. We cannot delete a binding that has been selected as the default binding for server, a domain, or the cell. Before you delete a binding that is selected as the default, select a different default binding, or specify that the defaults for the cell (global security) should be used.

The following default bindings shipped are included with WAS V7.0:

Do not use the provider and client sample bindings that are included with WAS in their current state in a production environment. You must modify these bindings to meet the security needs before using them in a production environment by making a copy of the bindings and then modifying the copy. For example, change the key and keystore settings to ensure security, and modify the binding settings to match the environment.

For a detailed description of the general sample bindings, see the topic General sample bindings for JAX-WS applications.

To define and manage general bindings, in the admin console click Services > Policy sets > General provider policy set bindings or Services > Policy sets > General client.policy set bindings. To manage bindings for the cell or the domain, click Services > Policy sets > Default policy set bindings. The general service provider and client bindings have independent settings that we can customize to meet the needs of the environment. To learn more about general bindings, read the topic Defining and managing policy set bindings.

In addition to choosing default bindings for the cell (global security), we can also choose the general provider and general client bindings to use as the default bindings for a server. When are using the JAX-WS model and want to specify the server default bindings, log on to the admin console and click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name. In the Security section of the console page, click Default policy set bindings.


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Version 6.1 default policy set bindings