Example: Using fine-grained security
The following scenarios describe the use of fine-grained administrative security, particularly the new deployment role.
Deployment role scenario 1
In the following scenario, there are four applications configured on server S1, as shown in the following table. Each application must be isolated so that the administrator of one application cannot modify another application. Assume that only user1 can manage application A1, user2 can manage applications A2 and A3, and only user3 can manage application A4.
It is not recommended to have an application in one group and its target server in another group. However, not always possible. It is common to have many applications on one server. It is still sometimes necessary to isolate the administration of applications running on the same server.
One example is an Application Service Provider (ASP), where a single appserver can have multiple vendor applications. In this instance the server administrator is responsible for installing all of the vendor applications. Once applications are installed, each vendor can manage their own application without interfering with other vendor's applications.
Table 1. Deployment role scenario 1 applications
Application Server Node A1 S1 N1 A2 S1 N1 A3 S1 N1 A4 S1 N1
We can configure authorization groups as shown in the diagram below:
In the diagram, application A1 is in authorization group G1, applications A2 and A3 are in authorization group G2, and application A4 is in authorization group G3.
A deployer role is assigned from authorization group G1 to user1, from authorization group G2 to user2, and from authorization group G3 to user3.
Consequently, user1 can perform all of the operations on application A1, user2 on applications A2 and A3, and user3 on application A4. Since all applications share the same server, we cannot put the same server on all authorization groups. Only a cell-level administrator can install an application. After the installation of an application is complete, the deployer of each application can modify their own. To start and stop the server, cell-level admin authority is required. This type of scenario is useful in an ASP environment.
Deployment role scenario 2
In the following scenario, a group of applications require the same administrative roles to one server. In this example, applications A1 and A2 are related applications, and can be administrated by one set of administrators. They are running on the same server (S1). Applications A3 and A4 require a different set of administrators, and are running on servers S2 and S3 respectively.
Table 2. Deployment role scenario 2 applications
Application Server Node A1 S1 N1 A2 S1 N1 A3 S2 N2 A4 S3 N3
Scenarios that can be applied directly in customer environments
Each developer must be able to modify the configuration for their server, and they must be able to install their application onto that server. They also must be able to start and stop the server as well as the application on the server.
Developers also must be able to configure the server so that they can debug any problems they run into. They must have the ability to update or modify the application being developed. The admin authorization group for this developer includes at least one server and any applications that the developer installs on that server.
In the following example, developers of authorization group G1 have a new application (A11). They can install and target that new application only on servers within authorization group G1. Also, they can place that new application in their authorization group (G1).
ASP environment scenario
In this scenario, the customer is an ASP. They have their own customers to whom they provide application serving function. They want to enable their customers to administer and monitor their applications, but not to see or administer applications for different customers. In this example, however, the ASP has internal staff administrators whose job it is to maintain the servers.
This internal ASP staff administrator might need to move an application from one server to another to ensure that an application remains available. The internal ASP staff administrator should be able to stop and start the servers and to change their configuration.
In contrast, the ASP customer administrator should not be able to stop or start servers. However, the ASP customer administrator should be able to update their applications running on those servers. The administrative authorization group for the internal ASP administrator can be the whole cell or can include a subset of servers, nodes, clusters and applications. The admin authorization group for the customer administrator only includes those applications that the customer has paid to have served by this ASP.
When updating the configuration repository, run the admin scripts from the dmgr so that the fine grain admin security rules will be in effect when admin scripts are run from the dmgr side.
The following diagram contains a scenario where two different customers have two different types of applications, and can manage their own applications. However, the servers and nodes on which the applications are running are isolated from their customers. The servers and nodes can only be maintained by the internal administrators. In addition, the customers cannot target their applications on a different server. This can only be performed by the internal administrator or internal deployers.
Regional organization scenario
In this scenario, the customer is a large global company. The company's nodes and servers are organized so as to provide application serving for different regions (or alternatively, different lines of business). They want representatives from the different regional areas to be able to monitor and administer the nodes and servers associated with that region. However, they do not want the regional administer to be able to effect any node and server associated with a different region.
The administrative authorization group for each regional representative includes the nodes, servers, clusters and applications associated with that region.
For example, consider a company that provides multiple services, such as a financial institution that provides services like credit card accounts, brokerage accounts, banking accounts, or travel accounts. Each of these services can be separate applications, and the administrator for each of these applications must also be different.
The following figure shows one way to configure such a system:
The following figure shows how the resources in such a system can be grouped to isolate administrators from each other:
Note that the nodes are not part of any authorization group. Therefore, a trade application administrator cannot stop a server on any of the nodes, and is prevented from stopping a travel application.
The same system can be configured in another way as shown below:
The following figure shows how the resources in such a system can be grouped to isolate administrators from each other:
Related concepts
Fine-grained admin security
Fine-grained admin security in heterogeneous and single-server environments
Role-based authorization
Related tasks
Enable security
Administrative roles