Example: Developing and deploying a JAX-RPC Web service from an existing application
We can develop a JAX-RPC Web service from an EJB or Java Beans implementation. The development process is based on the Web Services for Java EE specification.
- Select the enterprise bean or Java Beans implementation that you want to enable as a JAX-RPC Web service.The implementation must meet the following Web Services for Java EE spec requirements:
- It must have methods that can be mapped to a service endpoint interface. See step 2 for more information.
- It must be a stateless session EJB implementation or a Java Beans implementation without client-specific state, because the implementation bean might be selected to process a request from any client. If a client-specific state is required, a client identifier must be passed as a parameter of the Web services operation.
The selected methods of an enterprise bean must not have a transaction attribute of mandatory, because no standard currently exists, for these Web services transactions. A Java Beans implementation in a Web container requires the following contents:
- A public default constructor
- Exposed public methods
- It must not save a client-specific state between method calls
- It must be a public, non-final, and non-abstract class
- It must not define a finalize method
- Develop a service endpoint interface.
Develop a Web service requires a service endpoint interface.
For an EJB implementation, develop a service endpoint interface from an EJB remote interface.
For a Java Beans implementation, develop a service endpoint interface for a Java Beans implementation.
- Develop a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.
- Develop deployment descriptor templates.
For an EJB implementation, develop Web services deployment descriptor templates from an EJB implementation.
If we are using a Java Beans implementation, develop Web services deployment descriptor templates for a Java Beans implementation.
- Set the deployment descriptors.
By setting the ejb-link or servlet-link values of the service-impl-bean elements we can link to the enterprise bean or Java Beans implementation that implement the service.
- Assemble an enterprise archive (EAR) file from a JAR file or assemble an EAR file from a WAR file.
- Enable the Web service-enabled EAR file.
This step only applies if we are using an EJB implementation.
- Deploy the Web service application.
- Publish the WSDL file.
For a complete list of the supported standards and specifications, see the Web services specifications and API documentation.
Related tasks
Implement Web services applications with JAX-RPC
Web services specifications and APIs