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Enable trusted context for DB2 databases

Enable trusted context in the applications to improve how the appserver interacts with DB2 database servers. Use trusted connections to preserve the identity records of clients that are connecting to a DB2 database through the applications; trusted connections can provide a more secure environment by granting access based on the identity of those users.

Verify the following prerequisites are met before enabling trusted connections:

New feature: With trusted connections we can:

Supported configurations: Non-trusted connections cannot be used as trusted connections. If the connection pool contains only non-trusted connections and a request comes in for a trusted connection, a new request will be sent to the database for the trusted connection.

  Enable trusted context for the applications.


Next steps

Be aware of the following error conditions that can occur if trusted context is not configured properly:

Set the security properties for trusted connections
Trusted connections with DB2
Enable trusted context with authentication


Related concepts

Data sources
JDBC providers


Related tasks

Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver to access DB2 for z/OS
Set a JDBC provider and data source
Set up, enabling and migrating security