Default configuration
Use sample configurations with the admin console for testing purposes. The configurations specified are reflected on the cell or server level.
The information in the following sections describes sample default bindings, sample general bindings, and samples for key stores, key locators, collection certificate store, trust anchors, and trusted ID evaluators. We can develop Web services using the JAX-RPC programming model, or for WAS V7, using the JAX-WS model. Samples that are provided with WAS differ depending on which model you use.
Best practice: IBM WAS supports the JAX-WS model and the JAX-RPC model. JAX-WS is the next generation Web services model extending the foundation provided by the JAX-RPC model. Using the strategic JAX-WS model, development of Web services and clients is simplified through support of a standards-based annotations model. Although the JAX-RPC model and applications are still supported, take advantage of the easy-to-implement JAX-WS model to develop new Web services applications and clients. bprac
Do not use these sample configurations in a production environment as they are for sample and testing purposes only. To make modifications to these sample configurations, IBM recommends that you use the admin console provided by WAS.
Detailed information on the sample general bindings for the JAX-WS programming model is available in the topic General sample bindings for JAX-WS applications.
Information on configuring default bindings, key stores, key locators, collection certificate store, trust anchors, and trusted ID evaluators for the JAX-RPC model is available in the topic Default sample configurations for JAX-RPC.
General sample bindings for JAX-WS applications
Default sample configurations for JAX-RPC 
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