Create configuration objects using wsadmin



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To create new objects from the default template, use the create command. Alternatively, we can create objects using an existing object as a template with the createUsingTemplate command.

We can only use the createUsingTemplate command for creation of a server with APPLICATION_SERVER type. Otherwise, use createGenericServer or createWebServer.

Launch the wsadmin scripting tool


### List available templates:
$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider

### Assign the ID string that identifies the existing object to which the new object is added.
### We can add the new object under any valid object type.
set n1 [$AdminConfig getid /Node:mynode/]

### Specify the template to use:
set t1 [$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider "DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)"]

### If we supply a string after the name of a type, you get back a list of templates with display names
### that contain the string you supplied. In this example, the AdminConfig listTemplates
### command returns the JDBCProvider template whose name matches DB2 JDBC Provider (XA).
### This example assumes that the variable specified here only holds one template configuration ID.
### If the environment contains multiple templates with the same string, for example, DB2 JDBC Provider (XA),
### the variable will hold the configuration IDs of all of the templates. Be sure to identify the specific
### template to use before you perform the next step, creating an object using a template.

### Create the object
$AdminConfig createUsingTemplate JDBCProvider $n1 {{name newdriver}} $tl


### List available templates:

### Assign the ID string that identifies the existing object to which the new object is added.
### We can add the new object under any valid object type.
n1 = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:mynode/')

### Specify the template to use:
t1 = AdminConfig.listTemplates('JDBCProvider', 'DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)')

### If we supply a string after the name of a type, you get back a list of templates with display names
### that contain the string you supplied. In this example, the AdminConfig listTemplates
### command returns the JDBCProvider template whose name matches DB2 JDBC Provider (XA).
### This example assumes that the variable specified here only holds one template configuration ID.
### If the environment contains multiple templates with the same string, for example, DB2 JDBC Provider (XA),
### the variable will hold the configuration IDs of all of the templates. Be sure to identify the specific
### template to use before you perform the next step, creating an object using a template.

### Create the object
AdminConfig.createUsingTemplate('JDBCProvider', n1, [['name', 'newdriver']], t1)

### All create commands use a template unless there are no templates
### to use. If a default template exists, the command creates the object.

### Save the configuration changes...

### In a multiple-server environment, synchronize the node. Use the syncActiveNode or
### syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement
### script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.

### Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to
### each node in the cell

### Use the syncNode script to propagate the changes to a specific node, as
### the following example demonstrates:


$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider
set n1 [$AdminConfig getid /Node:mynode/]
set t1 [$AdminConfig listTemplates JDBCProvider "DB2 JDBC Provider (XA)"]
$AdminConfig createUsingTemplate JDBCProvider $n1 {{name newdriver}} $tl


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Use the script library to automate the application serving environment
Use the AdminConfig object for scripted administration



Commands for the AdminConfig object