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Authenticate users

The process of authenticating users involves a user registry and an authentication mechanism. Optionally, we can define trust between WAS and a proxy server, configure single sign-on capability, and specify how to propagate security attributes between appservers.

The following security topics are covered in this section:

  1. User registries
  2. Trust associations
  3. Single sign-on
  4. Security attribute propagation

The following information is covered in this section:


Next steps

After completing the configuring the authentication process, authorize access to resources.

Select a registry or repository
Select an authentication mechanism
Trust associations
Integrating third-party HTTP reverse proxy servers
Single sign-on for authentication
Implementing single sign-on to minimize Web user authentications
Set admin authentication
Job manager security
Java Authentication and Authorization Service
Use the Java Authentication and Authorization Service model for Web authentication
Performing identity mapping for authorization across servers in different realms
Security attribute propagation
Propagating security attributes among appservers
Set the authentication cache
Set CSIV2 inbound and outbound communication settings
Authentication protocol for EJB security


Related tasks

Authorizing access to resources