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Assembling EJB 2.x modules

An enterprise bean is a Java component that can be combined with other resources to create Java EE applications. This page describes assembling EJBs modules based on the EJB 2.x and earlier specifications.

This page assumes that we have created and unit tested an enterprise bean (EJB file) that you want to assemble in an enterprise application and deploy onto an appserver.

Assemble an EJB module to contain enterprise beans and related code artifacts. Group Web components, client code, and resource adapter code in separate modules. After assembling an EJB module, we can install it as a standalone application or combine it with other modules into an enterprise application.

Use an assembly tool to assemble an EJB module in any of the following ways:

For information on assembling EJB modules, refer to the online documentation or the information center for the assembly tool at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/radhelp/v7r5mbeta/topic/com.ibm.jee5.doc/topics/cejb3.html.



An EJB module is migrated or created, reflecting the Java EE structure that specifies the location of enterprise bean content files, class files, class paths, the deployment descriptor, and supporting metadata. For more information on the location of the content see the assembly tool information center.


Next steps

After you finish assembling the EJB module, we are ready to deploy the module.

EJB modules
Sequence grouping for container-managed persistence


Related tasks

Assembling applications
Define container transactions for EJB modules
Set the run time for CMP sequence groups



EJB references
EJB JNDI names for beans