Administration of service and endpoint listeners
The administration function of WAS is enhanced to support service and endpoint listeners. MBeans such as EndpointManager and the EndpointCentralManager can be used to invoke service and endpoint listeners.
After an application containing a Web service is installed, you want to verify that the service is installed correctly. We also want to monitor its service listener state, and update the listener state as needed to control the throughput. One option is to use the collection view of service providers in the admin console of WAS to locate the service provider of interest and observe its listener state.
If we do not want the listener state, then select the service and choose to start or stop the service listener. As the system starts or stops the service listener, the status indicator for the service is updated to show that it is started or stopped. This scenario helps you to throttle back traffic to a specific service as needed but leaves the containing application and other services in the application running. See service providers at the cell level using the admin console. We can also reference service providers at the application level using the admin console.
We can only start or stop the service listener using the admin console.
Another option is to use MBeans. With MBeans, we can invoke the startListener or stopListener operations in the EndpointCentralManager MBean or EndpointManager MBean to start or stop the listener service. The admin console option does not expose the function of starting or stopping the listening state of a specific endpoint in a service. However, the MBeans option provides this capability. Use scripting to invoke the MBean operations to start or stop the endpoint listener.
- EndpointCentralManager MBean
There is an EndpointCentralManager MBean instance in the deployment manager, AdminAgent, and stand-alone server. The EndpointCentralManager MBean provides the admin convenience to start and stop the service or endpoint listeners across all the deployment targets such as the cluster members in a cluster. You do not have to know the target servers for the service application.
- EndpointManager MBean
There is an EndpointManager MBean instance for each Web services application module in a server. This MBean instance is created when the application module is started. The MBean instance is deleted when the module is stopped. The MBean provides the start and stop operations to change the service and endpoint listener state. The MBean can also send a JMX notification whenever the listener state has changed.
Related concepts
JAX-WS application packaging
Web services
Related tasks
View service providers at the cell level
View service clients at the application level
Deploy enterprise apps
View service providers at the application level
Artifacts used to develop Web services