8.5.1 Managing the default messaging JMS provider
WAS supplies a preconfigured JCA resource adapter implementation that can be used to communicate with a service integration bus. This resource adapter is installed as a fully-integrated component at all levels of the cell and needs no separate installation steps. The administered objects for this resource adapter also implement the corresponding interfaces of JMS V1.1, enabling them to be used by JMS clients for both the Point-to-Point and Publish/Subscribe messaging models.
The WebSphere console exposes a set of windows that use to configure the resource adapter as though it were purely a JMS provider, known as the default messaging JMS provider. These windows can be used to configure the following JMS resources:
- A JMS connection factory that can be used to connect to a service integration bus
- A JMS queue or topic destination that refers to a destination on a service integration bus
Such JMS queues and topics are available, over a long period of time, to all applications with access to the bus destination.
- A JMS activation specification that can be used to associate a message-driven bean with a JMS queue or topic destination
You do not have to configure the underlying service integration bus resources before configuring the corresponding JMS resources. However, certain fields within the default messaging JMS provider administration windows are populated with relevant bus resources, if they exist. Therefore, to simplify the process of creating JMS resources for the default messaging JMS provider, we recommend that you create and configure the underlying service integration bus resources first.
The sections that follow discuss how to configure the resource adapter using the default messaging JMS provider windows. To view the properties of the default messaging JMS provider, use the console to complete the following steps:
- In the navigation tree, expand Resources | JMS | JMS Providers.
- Set the scope for the JMS Provider.
- Click Default messaging provider.
- The properties for the Default messaging JMS provider are displayed in the main content pane of the WebSphere console.
It is worth noting that the resource adapter can also be configured as a generic J2EE Connector Architecture resource adapter. However, the administration windows used for configuring a generic resource adapter are not specific to JMS resources and are, therefore, not as easy to use as the default messaging JMS provider administration windows. To view the properties of the resource adapter, use the console to complete the following steps:
- In the navigation tree, expand Resources | Resource adapters.
- Set the scope for the resource adapter.
- Set the Preferences to show built-in resources. Press Apply.
- A list of resource adapters defined at this scope is displayed. Remember that the resource adapter for the service integration bus is defined at all levels within the cell. The list of resource adapters.
- Click SIB JMS Resource Adapter.
- The properties for the resource adapter are displayed.
- The links under the Additional Properties section of the configuration window can be used to configure the following J2C resources at the relevant scope of the resource adapter:
- J2C activation specifications
- J2C administered objects
- J2C connection factories
- Using the generic resource adapter configuration windows to configure JMS resources for a service integration bus is not recommended. However, the following advanced properties for a JMS activation specification can be configured only using these windows:
- readAhead
- shareDataSourceWithCMP
- targetTransportChain