8.2.4 Mixed platform cells

A new concept called node group is introduced in WAS V6. A node group is a collection of managed nodes. A node group defines the boundary for cluster formation. Nodes organized into a node group should be enough alike in terms of installed software, available resources, and configuration to enable servers on those nodes to host the same applications as part of a server cluster.

With node groups it is possible to mix z/OS WebSphere nodes with distributed WebSphere nodes in the same cell. A distributed node and a z/OS node cannot belong to the same node group; a z/OS node belongs to a Sysplex Node Group, which is unique for the z/OS environment. Because a node group defines the cluster boundary and a distributed and z/OS node cannot be combined in the same cluster in WebSphere V6, a WebSphere HA configuration does not include both a distributed and z/OS system.

For more information about node groups see WAS V6 System Management and Configuration Handbook, SG24-6451.

