Specify a preferred server for messaging requests



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If a core group includes a cluster of appservers, and a messaging engine is configured for that cluster, any of the servers in that cluster can handle work items for the messaging engine.

The default message provider in WAS is governed by the Service Integration Bus default policy (Default SIBus policy), which is a One of N policy, ensuring that only one of the appservers in the cluster is active at a time.

You can modify the high availability group policy to specify that a specific cluster member handles the messaging work.

Before specifying a preferred server for messaging requests:



For high availability, configure a messaging engine to run in a cluster. However, you might want a specific cluster member to handle the messaging requests. Another member of the cluster should handle the messaging requests only if the preferred member fails.



  1. In the console, click...

    Servers | Core groups | Core group settings | core_group_name | Runtime tab

    ...to determine the name of the HA group, and the name of the policy currently controlling the group.

    At least one of the group members must be running.

  2. In the console, click...

    Servers | Core groups | Core group settings | core_group_name | Policies | policy_name | Additional Properties | Preferred servers

  3. Select the preferred servers for this policy.

    Click Add to move core group servers into the list of preferred servers.

Select specific servers in the list and click Move up and Move down to adjust the order of the servers within the list. Verify the most preferred server is at the beginning of the list and the least preferred server is at the end of the list.

  • After you complete the preferred servers list, click OK.

  • Click OK and then click Review.

  • Select Synchronize changes with nodes, and then click Save.



    All work items for the messaging engine on the associated cluster are routed to the new preferred server.


    Related tasks

    Setting up a high availability environment