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Running an unmanaged Web services JAX-RPC client


WAS V6.1 and the Application Client for WAS V6.1 provides a lightweight unmanaged client implementation that is based on the Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) 1.1 specification. The IBM Web Services Thin Client for WebSphere Application Server is an unmanaged and stand-alone Java client environment that allows you to run JAX-RPC Web services client applications to invoke Web services that are hosted by WAS.

Before you can set up a JAX-RPC unmanaged client execution environment you will need to obtain the Web Services Thin Client jar file. To obtain the Web Services Thin Client, either Install WAS or Install Application Client for WAS.

The Web Services Thin Client jar file, com.ibm.ws.webservices.thinclient_6.1.0.jar, is located in the app_server_root\runtimes directory. Refer to the license agreements to ensure correct usage and for limitations on copies of the Web Services Thin Client outside of the WebSphere environment. The Web Services Thin Client runs on distributed operating systems with IBM Software Development Kits (SDKs) V1.5 and Sun Java Development Kit (JDK) V1.5 that are packaged by IBM. The Web Services Thin Client is supported on non-IBM SDKs V1.5 with these limitations:



Set up a Web services thin client environment by completing the following steps.



  1. Configure the path. You can add the Java bin directories to your path by typing:


    set PATH=<your_JDK_bin_directory>;%PATH%
    [AIX] [HP-UX] [Solaris] [Linux]

    export PATH=<your_JDK_bin_directory>:$PATH

  2. Configure the classpath.

    • If you are using an SDK or JDK that is provided by IBM, you can add the thin client jar file to the classpath definition.


      set CLASSPATH=.;<your_web_services_thin_client_install_directory>\com.ibm.ws.webservices.thinclient_6.1.0.jar;<your_application_jars>;%CLASSPATH%
      [AIX] [HP-UX] [Solaris] [Linux]

      export CLASSPATH=.:<your_web_services_thin_client_install_directory>/com.ibm.ws.webservices.thinclient_6.1.0.jar:<your_application_jars>;$CLASSPATH

    • If you are using a non-IBM SDK, first obtain a Xerces xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar from the Xerces Web site and then configure the classpath definition.


      set CLASSPATH=.;<your_Xerces_install_directory>\xml-apis.jar;<your_Xerces_install_directory>\xercesImpl.jar;%CLASSPATH%
      [AIX] [HP-UX] [Solaris] [Linux]

      export CLASSPATH=.:<your_Xerces_install_directory>/xml-apis.jar:<your_Xerces_install_directory>\xercesImpl.jar:$CLASSPATH

  3. Run your client application using the following Java command.


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java <your_client_application>
    [AIX] [HP-UX] [Solaris] [Linux]

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java <your_client_application>



You have set up an unmanaged JAX-RPC client runtime environment that can be used to invoke Web services hosted on a WAS.

Task overview: Implementing Web services applications
Task overview: Installing
Installing Application Client for WAS
Developing and deploying Web services clients


Related Reference

Web services: Resources for learning


Related information

Xerces Web site
