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Object caching properties

The object cache is used to cache all Tivoli Access Manager objects, including their extended attributes. This bypasses the need to query the Tivoli Access Manager authorization server for each resource request.

These properties are in the profile_root/etc/tam/amwas.node_name_server_name.amjacc.properties file.

The profile_root directory is the value of the profilePath parameter when the profile is created.


Enabling object caching

com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.EnableObjectCaching=true This property enables or disables object caching. The default value is true.


Setting the object cache

com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCache=com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCacheImpl This property is the class used to perform object caching. You can implement your own object cache if required. This can be done by implementing the com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.IObjectCache interface. The default is com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCacheImpl.


Setting the number of cache buckets

com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCache.NumBuckets=20 This property specifies the number of buckets used to store object cache entries in the underlying hash table. The default is 20.


Setting the number of cache bucket entries

com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCache.MaxResources=10000 This property specifies the total number of entries for all buckets in the cache. This figure, divided by NumBuckets determines the maximum size of each bucket. The default is 10000.


Setting the resource lifetime

com.tivoli.pd.as.cache.ObjectCache.ResourceLifeTime=20 This property specifies the length of time in minutes that objects are kept in the object cache. The default is 20.

These object cache properties cannot be changed after configuration. If any require changing, it should be done before configuration of the nodes in the cell. Changes need to be made in the template properties file before any configuration actions are performed. Properties changed after configuration might cause access decisions to fail.


Related tasks

Configure the JACC provider for Tivoli Access Manager using the administrative console


Related information

JACC provider configuration properties for Tivoli Access Manager


Reference topic