Configure the JACC provider for Tivoli Access Manager
To configure Tivoli Access Manager as the JACC provider...
- Verify that all managed servers, including node agents, are started
- Create a security administrative user.
- Open the WAS console for the management server...
- Click...
Security | Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure | External authorization providers | General properties | External authorization using a JACC provider | Related items | External JACC provider | Additional properties | TAM Properties
- On TAM JACC provider configuration screen, enter...
- Enable embedded TAM
- Select this option to enable TAM.
- Ignore errors during embedded TAM disablement
- Select this option when you want to unconfigure the JACC provider. Do not select this option during configuration.
- Client listening port set
- WAS must listen using a TCP/IP port for authorization database updates from the policy server. More than one process can run on a particular node or machine. More than one authorization server can be specified by separating the entries with commas. Specifying more than one authorization server at a time is useful for reasons of failover and performance. Enter the listening ports used by TAM clients, separated by a comma. If a range of ports is specified, separate the lower and higher values by a colon (:). For example...
7999, 9990:999- Policy server
- Name of the TAM policy server...
policy_server:portDefault port is 7135.
- Authorization servers
- Name of the TAM authorization server...
auth_server:port:priorityDefault port is 7136.
The priority value is determined by the order of the authorization server use. For example...
auth_server2:7137:2A priority value of 1 is required when configuring against a single authorization server.
- Administrator user name
- Enter the TAM administrator user name that was created when TAM was configured; it is usually sec_master.
- Administrator user password
- Enter the TAM administrator password.
- User registry distinguished name suffix
- Enter the distinguished name suffix for the user registry that is shared between TAM and WAS, for example...
o=ibm,c=us- Security domain
- You can create more than one security domain in TAM, each with its own administrative user. Users, groups and other objects are created within a specific domain, and are not permitted to access resource in another domain. Enter the name of the TAM security domain that is used to store WAS users and groups.
If a security domain is not established at the time of the TAM configuration, leave the value as Default.
- Administrator user distinguished name
- Enter the full distinguished name of the WAS security administrator ID. For example...
cn=wasdmin,o=organization,c=countryThe ID name must match the Server user ID on the LDAP User Registry panel in the console.Security | Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure | User account repository | Realm Definition | Standalone LDAP registry | Configure
These processes might take some time depending on network traffic or the speed of your machine.
The parameters are copied to all subordinate servers, including the node agents.