Maintenance Packages
Use this panel to optionally select maintenance packages (*.pak files) to include in the customized installation package (CIP).
Selecting maintenance packages is optional. The types of packages to include are your choice. For example, you can skip fix packs and install an interim fix. Or you can install one fix pack and five interim fixes.
Fix pack compressed files are bundled with the Update Installer for WebSphere Software. Decompress the file to expose the maintenance package (*.pak) file in the /updateinstaller/maintenance directory.
Always select a PAK file when selecting a maintenance package, such as the updateinstaller\maintenance\6.1-WS-WAS-WinX32-RP0000001.pak file.
You can select only one fix pack and SDK fix pack. Fix packs are cumulative. Always select the latest package available when possible.
You can type directly into each field to identify the file path and file name of the *.pak file. Or, click Browse in connected mode to search for and select the existing file.
The processing engine requires selected maintenance packages to have a valid file path and valid format. In connected mode, validation of the file path occurs when you click Next. Validation of whether a maintenance package is valid occurs only when you click Verify Maintenance Package.
In disconnected mode, the processing engine performs validation while building the customized installation package.
Disconnected mode affects file path specifications
The directory and valid maintenance package must exist in connected mode. In disconnected mode, remember to specify the file path and the name of the *.pak file in terms of the machine on which the processing engine machine runs. The processing engine must be able to locate the maintenance package at build time.
What are maintenance packages?
Maintenance packages include fix packs and interim fixes.
Fix pack: A fix pack is a cumulative package of fixes, such as V6.1.2.1.
Fix packs install on top of a previous fix pack, such as applying V6.1.2.2 to V6.1.2.1. Fix packs are cumulative, so V6.1.2.2 includes all fixes in V6.1.2.1.
Check the list of delivered fixes in the fix pack to determine which interim fixes must be reinstalled. If an interim fix is deleted, but the fix is not in the fix pack, reinstall the interim fix.
Fix packs for the Java 2 Software Developer Kit (SDK): Fix packs for the Java 2 SDK include cumulative maintenance for the SDK.
Interim fix:An interim fix is a single published emergency fix that resolves one or more product defects, such as PQ79582.
An interim fix can be applied to a release or fix pack where applicable. Interim fixes are validated by at least one customer prior to publication.
Related information
Developing and installing customized installation packages
Build Definition wizard panelsFeature selection
Reference topic