Learn about EJB applications
Find links to Web resources for learning, including conceptual overviews, tutorials, samples, and "How do I?..." topics, pending their availability.
How do I?...
Deploy and administer EJB applications
Deploy EJB applications
Modify the default EJB container configuration Secure EJB applications
Develop EJB applications that use declarative security
Use programmatic security, when declarative security is not enough
Secure EJB applications during assembly
Migrate EJB application components Assemble EJB applications
Choose an access intent policy for EJB 2.0.x applications
Troubleshoot access intent
Assemble EJB applications for deployment
Conceptual overviews
Enterprise beans
Tutorials are not available at this time.
The Samples Gallery offers:
- Plants by WebSphere
Use the Plants by WebSphere storefront, customers can open accounts, browse for items to purchase, view product details, and place orders. The Plants by WebSphere application uses container-managed persistence (CMP), container-managed relationships (CMR), stateless session beans, a stateful session bean, JSP pages, and servlets.
- Basic Calculator
This is a basic calculator application that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, using a stateless session bean.
See also the client application samples, such as Basic Calculator.