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Deploy EJB modules


When you deploy an EJB module, you install that module on a server that has been configured to support deployed modules. Assemble one or more EJB modules, assemble one or more Web modules, and assemble them into a J2EE application.



  1. Prepare the deployment environment.

  2. Update the configuration for each EJB module as needed for the deployment environment. See the Application Server Toolkit (AST) information center for more information about modifying deployment descriptors.


  3. Required: If you are working with an IBM Software Development Kit V5-compliant EJB module, create deployment code with the ejbdeploy command line tool.

    To deploy a V5-compliant EJB module using WebSphere Application Server V6.1, use the ejbdeploy command. This version of the appserver requires that you use the -complianceLevel parameter with the option "5.0". This parameter is not available through the administration console, but is available on the ejbdeploy command. For more information about the ejbdeploy command, see the AST information center.

  4. Deploy the application.


What to do next

If you specify that EJB deploy be run during application installation and the installation fails with a NameNotFoundException message, ensure that the input JAR or EAR file does not contain source files. Either remove the source files or include all dependent classes and resource files on the class path. If there are source files in the input JAR or EAR file, the EJB deployment tools runs a rebuild before generating the deployment code.

If the module deploys successfully, test and debug the module.

EJBDEPLOY relationships – troubleshooting tips

EJB module settings


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EJB modules