JDBC trace configuration
If your application displays JDBC-related exception messages, activate the JDBC trace service. The resulting log text can help you identify the problem.
Trace strings for JDBC data sources
Turn on tracing for most database JDBC implementations through the console; see the article Enabling trace at server startup for instructions. This method activates JDBC trace for all applications that run in the server you specify. Identify your database type by selecting the trace group WAS.database and typing one of the following trace strings in the console:
- com.ibm.ws.database.logwriter Trace string for databases that use the GenericDataStoreHelper. You can also use this trace string for unsupported databases.
- com.ibm.ws.db2.logwriter Trace string for DB2 databases.
- com.ibm.ws.oracle.logwriter Trace string for Oracle databases.
- com.ibm.ws.derby.logwriter Trace string for Derby databases.
- com.ibm.ws.informix.logwriter Trace string for Informix databases.
- com.ibm.ws.sqlserver.logwriter Trace string for Microsoft SQL Server databases.
- com.ibm.ws.sybase.logwriter Trace string for Sybase databases.
A few JDBC drivers require that you set trace differently, at the data source level. These drivers include:
- DB2 legacy CLI-based JDBC driver
- WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server
- DataDirect ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server
- DataDirect SequeLink JDBC driver for MS SQL Server, which is deprecated in WAS V6.0
- Microsoft JDBC driver for MS SQL Server 2000, which is deprecated in WebSphere Application Server V6.0
Configuring trace for these drivers through the WAS.database group results in corrupt trace information. WAS sets trace for the group at the server level, causing the trace service to begin only after your application establishes an initial connection. Because that first connection does not carry trace information, re-use of it is never tracked. Consequently the application cannot accurately match trace information to connection use.
Set trace for the previously mentioned JDBC drivers through data source custom properties. For example, use custom property spyAttributes to enable the JDBC trace for SequeLink or Connect JDBC drivers. Consult your driver documentation for details on the custom property that enables trace for your JDBC implementation.
Additional resources
If the JDBC tracing service cannot help you isolate and fix your problem, consult the IBM Support website for WAS at http://www.ibm.com/support/search.wss?rs=180&tc=SSEQTP&tc1=SSCMP9Y. Use the site search function to find current information on known problems and their resolutions. Locating the right troubleshooting tip can save time that, otherwise, you might spend on opening and tracking a PMR.
Learn about other IBM Support options in the articles Diagnosing and fixing problems: Resources for learning and Troubleshooting help from IBM.
Related Reference
Installation problems
Tracing and logging configuration
Data access problems
Reference topic