Diagnostic Providers (selection)
Use this panel to select a Diagnostic Provider from the selected server or cluster.
The list will contain only Diagnostic Providers registered on the selected server or cluster. Not all Diagnostic Providers register with every server in the cell.
You can follow several navigation paths to view this console page. For example, click...
Troubleshooting | Diagnostic Provider | Tests | servername/cluster name
- Name
Choose a diagnostic provider from this list. The path you chose to get to this panel determines which panel displays next.
- If you chose...
Troubleshooting | Diagnostic Provider | Tests
...you see a panel that lists all of the available tests to run on the Diagnostic Provider.
- If you chose...
Troubleshooting | Diagnostic Provider | State data
...you see a panel that shows the collected state data for the Diagnostic Provider.
- If you chose...
Troubleshooting | Diagnostic Provider | Configuration data
...you see a panel that shows the configuration data for the Diagnostic Provider.
Related tasks
Running a self diagnostic on a Diagnostic Provider
Reference topic