Command line tool problems
This article provides troubleshooting support for a variety of problems relating to using command line tools. What kind of problem are you having?
- The script or BBOWADDN job fails during node federation.
- Just-in-time (JIT) compiler is disabled when you start appserver with DEBUG enabled on a Red Hat Linux machine
- The or commands fail to start or stop the server when the server definition is part of the configuration repository.
With Windows service, there is no indication when a server is already started.
- Server templates unavailable after upgrading deployment manager version
- "ADMU0125E: Change the clock of the new node to be within {0} minutes of the clock of the deployment manager" error message occurs during federation
- The stopServer command fails to stop the server because the system cannot create a connector to an invalid hostname.
The script or BBOWADDN job fails during node federation.
This error occurs only if the BBODCFGW job is run on the deployment manager during customization. The BBODCFGW adds an unmanaged node with a Web server to the Deployment Manager, causing the Node Federation from a base server to fail.
To fix this problem, do not configure the BBODCFGW job on the Deployment manager until all nodes are federated into the cell. Also, do not add any unmanaged nodes into the cell until all managed Node Federations are complete. A Web server can be configured on a managed node without any problems.
Just-in-time (JIT) compiler is disabled when you start the appserver with DEBUG enabled on a Red Hat Linux machine
The just-in-time (JIT) compiler is disabled when you start the appserver with Software Developer Kit (SDK) DEBUG enabled on a Red Hat Linux® machine, even though JIT is set to enabled. To verify this setting, check the SystemOut.log or the startServer.log file.
Use the console to remove the following DEBUG options of the Java™ process definition. -Xdebug -Xnoagent
For more information, see the V6.0 Information Center Release Notes page.
The or commands fail to start or stop the server when the server definition is part of the configuration repository.
This problem occurs when the or commands are trying to start or stop non Java™ process. To solve this problem, use the -nowait option to start or stop the webserver1 webserver1 -nowait
With Windows service, there is no indication when a server is already started.
When attempting to start an already-started server from the command line, there is no indication that the server is already started and running. When running startManager.bat on Windows® the following output is displayed before the command returns:
ADMU7701I: Because dmgr is registered to run as a Windows Service, the request to start this server will be completed by starting the associated Windows Service.
When running startServer.bat, the following output is displayed before the command returns:
ADMU7701I: Because server1 is registered to run as a Windows Service, the request to start this server will be completed by starting the associated Windows Service.
When running WASService.exe, the following output is displayed before the command returns:
Starting Service: service name
To check if the server is started or if the service is running, use the serverStatus server name command or the WASService -status service name command.
Server templates unavailable after upgrading deployment manager version
If you upgrade the deployment manager from V6.0.1 to V6.0.2, the server templates that are needed to create V5 servers are not available. This does not apply if you upgrade the deployment manager directly from V5.0, or V5.1, to V6.0.2.
Run the following command from the bin directory of the deployment manager profile to add the R5 server templates to your deployment manager profile and create V5 servers: For UNIX systems: -buildfile updateNDProfileTemplates.xmlFor Windows systems:ws_ant.bat -buildfile updateNDProfileTemplates.xml
"ADMU0125E: Change the clock of the new node to be within {0} minutes of the clock of the deployment manager" error message occurs during federation
The workaround for this problem is to adjust the time on the node to be within the recommended amount of the deployment manager. Verify that the time zones are correct and that the times within the time zones are correct. For AIX systems, if the time on the node system is within five minutes of the deployment manager, review the timezone setting in the /etc/environment file. Verify that the TZ= property is set correctly. For example, in the Central Time Zone, it should read TZ=CST6CDT. For more information, see the environment file section of the Files Reference Web site.
The stopServer command fails to stop the server because the system cannot create a connector to an invalid hostname.
If the stopServer command fails to stop the server because the system cannot create a connector to an invalid hostname, you can stop the server using one of following methods:
- Stop the server process on the operating system (e.g., on Unix based systems issue the kill command).
- Open a wsadmin tool connection directly to the connector port of the server and call the stop method for the MBean of the server. This method is recommended because it allows ongoing work to shut down gracefully.
- Issue the following command to connect to the server:
wsadmin -host <host_name> -port <connector_port> -conntype [SOAP | RMI ] -user <user ID> -password <password>
- Invoke the stop method on the MBean of the server. For example, in Jython you can use:
serverMBean = AdminControl.completeObjectName("*,type=Server") AdminControl.invoke(serverMBean, "stop")
If none of these steps fixes your problem, check to see if the problem has been identified and documented by looking at the available online support (hints and tips, technotes, and fixes). If you don't find your problem listed there contact IBM support.
Related tasks
Use command line tools
Reference topic