You can create an environment in which multiple versions of WebSphere Application Server can run independently on the same system at the same time. A major consideration in coexistence is the avoidance of port conflicts.
Coexisting, as it applies to WebSphere Application Server products, is running a new release of a WAS product on the same machine at the same time as you run an earlier release or running two installations of the same release of a WebSphere Application Server product on the same machine at the same time.
- See Coexistence support.
This article discusses which coexistence scenarios are supported.
- See Setting up V5.x or 6.0.x and V6.1 coexistence.
This article describes how to install a WAS V6.1 product to coexist with another installation instance of V5.x or 6.0.x.
- See Setting up V6.1 coexistence.
This article describes how to install a WAS V6.1 product to coexist with another installation instance of V6.1.
Coexistence support
Setting up V5.x or 6.0.x and V6.1 coexistence
Setting up V6.1 coexistence