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Applying lightweight local mode to an entity bean


WAS provides a special operational mode called lightweight local mode, which can improve the performance of entity bean methods. You can decide which entity beans in your application to run in this mode.



You can apply lightweight local mode to specific EntityBean types within your application in two ways. You can use appserver tooling, or the Marker interface technique.


Use Application Server Tooling



  1. Start the Application Server Toolkit.

  2. Select the EJB deployment descriptor of the entity bean to work with.

  3. In the property pane, select the WebSphere Extension tab.

  4. Check the box labeled Use Lightweight Local mode .

  5. Select OK.

  6. Save your changes.


Marker interface technique



Use the marker interface technique when a group of beans within the application is related through a common inheritance hierarchy, and all the beans in the hierarchy are to be marked. For an application with a large number of beans in a hierarchy, this technique is the most efficient.

To use a marker interface, code your bean implementation class to implement the com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.LightweightLocal interface. The bean implementation class does not need to directly implement the interface; any parent class or interface can also implement it. For details, see the com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer package in the API documentation section of the information center.

Enterprise beans


Related tasks

Manage EJB containers


Related Reference

Enterprise beans: Resources for learning
