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Operating Systems: z/OS

This topic applies only on the z/OS operating system.


Uploading a customized job

This topic describes how to upload the customization data, or job, to the target z/OS system.


Before you begin

Use the Profile Management Tool to create custom jobs.


About this task

Perform the following steps to upload a customization definition, or job, to your target z/OS system.



  1. In the Preferences window, click the job definition in the right panel to upload:

    Preferences window

  2. Click Upload. The Upload Customization Definition panel opens:

    Upload Customization Definition
    Tip: For field-specific help, hover your cursor over a field.

  3. Specify your target z/OS system name, port, user ID and password. Use the ID that was created for the customization jobs for WebSphere Application Server. Ideally, use the same user ID as the one you used to create your Network Deployment cell.

  4. Check Allocate target z/OS data sets if you want to dynamically allocate the target datasets. You can optionally pre-allocate them or reuse previously allocated datasets.

  5. Click Upload. A successful upload opens the following panel:

    Upload successful

  6. From the Preferences panel, click View. At the bottom of the panel, click the Instructions tab. Follow the customized instructions to complete the customization.

Related tasks

Installing the Application Server Toolkit V6.1.1 and the Profile Management tool for z/OS
Installing on z/OS