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Configure application lazy start

By configuring application lazy start, you can release resources that are being consumed by inactive dynamic clusters so that other cluster instances in the cell can use these resources.


Before you begin


About this task

An application lazy start is the activation of the first application server instance of a deactivated dynamic cluster when an application request arrives. You decide which applications to deactivate and subsequently lazily start. Use application lazy start if you have an environment in which the ratio of the number of dynamic clusters to the number of nodes is high, and if many dynamic clusters are not accessed for a long period. By using application lazy start, you can increase the performance and efficiency of your environment.



  1. Edit the dynamic cluster properties. In the administrative console, click Servers > Dynamic clusters > dynamic_cluster_name .

  2. Select the If other dynamic clusters need resources, stop all instances of this cluster during periods of inactivity option.

  3. Set the Time to wait before stopping instances in minutes if the application placement controller determines that the resource is required by some other dynamic application cluster.



The application placement controller tracks the amount of time that a dynamic cluster has been inactive. If another dynamic cluster needs resources, the application placement controller can stop the inactive dynamic cluster after the specified time period. The resources that were consumed by the inactive instance are released and made available for use by the dynamic cluster that requires additional resources. If a request arrives for the stopped dynamic cluster instance, the lazy start controller is activated and at least one server instance is started. In the meantime, HTTP error code 503 (server unavailable) is generated. The error page informs you that the requested application is starting and the request is resubmitted shortly.


What to do next


Application lazy start


Related concepts

Dynamic clusters


Related tasks

Creating dynamic clusters


Related reference

Dynamic cluster administrative tasks

Related information

Application placement custom properties