Dynamic clusters



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A dynamic cluster is a server cluster that uses weights to balance the workloads of its cluster members dynamically, based on performance information that is collected from the cluster members.

A dynamic cluster is an application deployment target that can expand and contract depending on the workload in your environment. Dynamic clusters work with autonomic managers, including the application placement controller and the dynamic workload manager to maximize the use of your computing resources. Dynamic clusters are required for many of the WebSphere® Virtual Enterprise autonomic functions, including high availability and service policies.

Dynamic clusters are similar to the server clusters that you can create with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, but key differences exist that make dynamic clusters much more robust. For complete life-cycle management servers, the product controls the creation and deletion of server instances and can start and stop servers. For assisted life-cycle management servers, WebSphere XD can control the state of servers by stopping and starting servers from a pool of predefined server instances.


Dynamic cluster membership

In WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Version 6.1 and later, two options exist for adding members to a dynamic cluster: automatically define cluster members with rules or manually define cluster members.

For transitioning users: Dynamic cluster membership definitions have changed from V6.0. In Version 6.0, you define a node group that contains the nodes on which you want the dynamic cluster members to run. In V6.1, you define a membership policy that specifies the nodes on which the dynamic cluster members run.trns

Automatically define cluster members with rules

By automatically defining cluster members with rules, you can create a subexpression that automatically selects nodes to host dynamic cluster members based on different node properties. This subexpression is called a membership policy. After creating the membership policy, you can preview the node membership before you finish creating the dynamic cluster.

Automatically defining cluster members with rules is available only for servers that have complete life-cycle management. After creating the dynamic cluster with a membership policy, dynamic cluster instances can start on any of the selected nodes. If nodes become available that meet the criteria of your membership policy, dynamic cluster instances can also start on these nodes.

Manually define cluster members

When you manually define cluster members, you statically define which servers are cluster members by selecting servers to add to the cluster. You use this option instead of the membership policy for the following reasons:


Server templates

Server templates are a copy of a server configuration that can be used as a starting point when a server is added to the dynamic cluster. Predefined templates exist for different versions of WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and the different middleware server types. You can also define your own server templates.


Dynamic cluster server templates

After you create a dynamic cluster, the dynamic cluster server template defines the properties for all of the members in the dynamic cluster. When you make a change to the dynamic cluster server template, the changes are propagated to all of the dynamic cluster members.


Cluster instances

You can control the creation and management of cluster instances for your dynamic cluster. These options include:


Operating modes

Dynamic clusters act differently depending on the operating mode. Choose one of the following options for mode of operation:

Important: To use dynamic application placement, click automatic or supervised as the mode of operation.

If you are using manual mode for the autonomic request flow manager (ARFM) on either the cell level or deployment target level, then you also must put your dynamic clusters in manual mode. You can also use static clusters when ARFM is in manual mode for the cell or deployment target. If ARFM is in automatic mode, you can use any of the operating modes for the cluster.


Related concepts

Dynamic cluster isolation
Dynamic application placement


Related tasks

Configure vertical stacking
Creating dynamic clusters


Related reference

Static clusters versus dynamic clusters