Operating Systems: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS
Installing a CIP
Simply WebSphere XD installation process by install a customized installation package (CIP), which is a single product installation image that can include one or more maintenance packages, configuration scripts, and other files.
Before you begin
Before you can install a customized installation package (CIP), create a build definition file to specify what options to include in the CIP. See Creating a build definition file and generating a CIP for more information.
Read the readme file, which is located in the CD root directory, and prepare your environment to support an installation. Exit the WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment directory. Installation errors can occur if you inadvertently leave a command line or browser instance open in the profile_root/installedApps directory.
About this task
The CIP installation process is very similar to a typical product installation process.
- Insert the installation CD that contains the customized installation package (CIP) into the CD-ROM, or access the directory in which the CIP is located.
- Stop all WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Extended Deployment processes that are running on the machine that you are preparing for installation.
To stop the deployment manager, issue the following command:
profile_root/bin/stopManager.batprofile_root/bin/stopManager.shTo stop the nodes, issue the following command:
profile_root/bin/stopNode.batprofile_root/bin/stopNode.shVerify that all the processes are stopped by verifying the running Java™ processes. The graphical user interface (GUI) provides a message of completion.- Run the following command to start the installation:
install.bat./install- Review the characteristics of the CIP by clicking About this custom installation package, and click Next.
- Accept the license agreement, and click Next. After the license is accepted, the prerequisite checking automatically begins. If your system does not have the prerequisites, a window displays the missing prerequisites. Cancel the installation, make the required changes, and restart the installation.
- Specify the installation location, and click Next. Expand the list to select a different WebSphere Application Server installation location, or enter a different location if you do not intend to use WebSphere Application Server.
- Select the existing profiles for your installation to augment, and click Next. You can also augment a profile later by using the Profile Management tool or the manageprofile command. Augment the deployment manager and custom profiles to work for WebSphere XD.
- Choose not to add the CIP to the centralized installation manager repository, and click Next.
If you do choose to add the CIP to the repository, it is added to a folder with the same name that you specified for the unique CIP identifier in the Build Definition wizard. Because the identifier must be unique, only one CIP can exist in the directory regardless of what product you are installing.
- Click Next to accept the resulting summary of your selections.
- Click Next to start the installation process.
- Review the confirmation panel, and click Finish to exit the wizard or to review the log files if the installation fails.
- Repeat this process for each node in the cell.
You successfully installed the CIP. You can uninstall WebSphere XD from the install_root/uninstall_xd_operations subdirectory.
What to do next
After you install the CIP, create a new profile or augment an existing profile by using the Profile Management tool. You can omit this task if you augmented the profile through the Installation wizard.
Related tasks
Planning the installation
Installing WebSphere XD
Creating a build definition file and generating a CIP
Creating profiles
Use the centralized installation manager to manage your environment