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Downloading and installing WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V2.0 or later

Download the binary files for WebSphere® Application Server Community Edition V2.0 or later, and use the centralized installation manager to install the installation package on your target workstations.


Before you begin

Ensure that WebSphere Virtual Enterprise Version 6.1 is installed and the centralized installation manager repository is set up on the deployment manager workstation. For more information, see Installing WebSphere XD.

The remote installation target must contain a middleware node that is augmented for WebSphere XD. The middleware node can be either a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment node or a node that has the middleware agent installed. Ensure that you meet this requirement before you begin downloading and installing WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. To install the middleware agent on a node that does not contain WebSphere Application Server, see Installing packages.


About this task

Use the centralized installation manager to remotely install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V2.0 or later. This particular installation package contains one of two features that you select during the installation process: Server only or Server and IBM® software development kit (SDK), Java™ 2 Technology Edition.

Because WebSphere XD does not contain the required binary files for this particular installation package, first download and copy the files to the centralized installation manager repository. Complete the following steps to download the binary files, and then use the centralized installation manager to install the package to your installation targets.



  1. Download the binary files for WebSphere Application Server Community Edition from developerWorks®. Click Multiplatform to begin the download process.

    1. Log in as a registered user with your IBM ID and password. Complete the required fields by providing your contact information, selecting the appropriate privacy settings, and viewing the license agreement. Click I confirm to continue.

    2. Select one or more of the available installation bundles, and click Download now. Select the Server only bundles if you already installed the latest version of the software developer kit on the target workstation. These bundles are available with the following operating systems:

      • UNIX® 32-bit

      • Windows® Intel® 32-bit
      Select any one of the Server and IBM SDK options to download WebSphere Application Server Community Edition with the IBM SDK, Java 2 Technology Edition and the application server. This option is available with the following operating systems:

      • AIX® PowerPC® 32-bit

      • Linux® Intel 32-bit

      • Linux Power PC® 32-bit

      • Linux Intel or AMD 64-bit

      • Solaris Operating Environment SPARC 32-bit

      • Windows Intel 32-bit
      Attention: The centralized installation manager cannot uninstall the IBM SDK for the Windows operating system that is installed with the Server and SDK for Windows bundle. The centralized installation manager also cannot uninstall the IBM SDK for the Windows operating system by using the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and manually deleting the SDK. Instead, uninstall the SDK manually from the target host by using the Windows Add or Remove Programs control panel function.

  2. Copy the downloaded files to the following directory:

  3. Install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition on the target host.

    1. From the Available Installations panel in the administrative console, select the package type, the installation package, and one of the two accompanying features that are available with the installation package:

      You can install the Server only feature multiple times, and distribute the same SDK between it and the Server and IBM software developer kit (SDK), Java 2 Technology Edition feature on the same target host.

      After you make your selections and click Show Installation Targets, a table that contains a list of applicable target workstations on which to install the installation package is displayed.

    2. Select one or more installation targets from the list, and click Install to start the Installation wizard.

    3. Accept the license agreement as the first step of the wizard. Click View License Agreement to read the agreement, and accept the terms. Click Next to continue.

    4. Select an authentication method to access the installation target, and click Next. You can choose to use either the Secure Shell (SSH) public/private key method or the user name and password method to authenticate.

    5. Provide the authentication settings, and click Next. Depending on the authentication method that you choose in step 3, provide the appropriate user name and password for one or more installation targets, or provide the location of the SSH private key file and password on the deployment manager.

      If you choose to authenticate by using the user name and password method, you can provide a common user name and password to access all of the installation targets, or you can configure unique user names and passwords for each target.

    6. Specify the installation location and the working location of each installation target, and click Next.

      The installation location is the remote location of the installation target in which the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server is installed.

      The working location specifies the directory on the remote target that contains the installation files.

    7. Specify the installation location of a supported Java 2 environment on the target host if you choose Server only in step a. If you do not specify the path to the location, the installation program attempts to locate a supported Java 2 environment. However, the installation fails if the program cannot locate the existing environment.

      If you choose Server and IBM software developer kit (SDK), Java 2 Technology Edition in step a, review the installation location of the SDK for the bundle, and click Next. The following list contains the default installation location for each operating system:

      • AIX PowerPC 32-bit: /usr/java5

      • Linux Intel 32-bit: /opt/ibm/java2-i386-50

      • Linux PowerPC 32-bit: /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50

      • Linux Intel or AMD 64-bit: /opt/ibm/java2-x86_64-50

      • Solaris Operating Environment SPARC 32-bit: ${INSTALL_LOCATION}/_jvm

      • Windows Intel 32-bit: C:/Program Files/IBM/Java50

      A remote host can contain only one copy of the SDK for each of the preceding operating systems, except for the Solaris operating system. The SDK for the Solaris operating system is installed as a private Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the installation directory for WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. Therefore, you can install the Server and IBM SDK for Solaris/SPARC bundle multiple times on the same host in different directories.

    8. Specify additional parameters that are required to successfully install the installation package. Select a node on each of the target hosts to designate as the manager of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server. Next, select the check box to disable a prerequisite check on each operating system. The prerequisite check is enabled by default.

    9. Read the installation summary, and click Finish to submit the installation request to the centralized installation manager for processing.

    Alternatively, issue the installSoftware command in the wsadmin tool to install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. Specify certain parameters depending on which feature you choose to install with the installation package. For more information, see Centralized installation manager administrative tasks. Attention: The following error message might be displayed on the Installation history detail panel when you install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition on either Solaris operating systems or AIX operating systems:

    XCIM0199W: Installation completed but errors were detected. Check logs for error messages.
    ....... log1 .......
    ....... log2 .......
    After you check one of the log files, ignore the error if it is similar to one of the following examples:
    XCIM01661: Standard error from command:
    wasce_setup-2.*-unix.bin -is:silent....
    Must be attached to terminal for 'am I' option
    Must be attached to terminal for 'am I' option
    XCIM01661: Standard error from command:
    wasce_setup-2.*-unix.bin -is:silent....
    who: 0551-012 The process is not attached to a terminal.
    Do not run who am i as a background process.



The centralized installation manager now contains a copy of the required binary files for installing WebSphere Application Server Community Edition. The centralized installation manager receives your installation request, processes the information that you provided, and then installs the package to the target workstation.


What to do next

In the administrative console, check the status of your pending requests on the Installations in Progress panel, and review the log files of your submitted installation requests from the Installation History panel.

After the installation completes, you can create managed WebSphere Application Server Community Edition servers. See Creating complete life cycle WebSphere Application Server Community Edition servers and dynamic clusters


Related tasks

Downloading package descriptors and the associated binary files
Manage installation targets
Installing the Secure Shell public key to access your remote workstations
Monitor requests
Use the Profile Management tool to create and augment profiles Installing packages