Apply filter rules
Portal Search provides a facility for applying filter rules to the crawler process. The crawler filters control the crawler progress and the type of documents that are indexed and cataloged. We can define the filter rules when creating a content source of type Web site only. You define the filters under the Filters tab. We can combine any combination of the following filtering options for a filtering rule:
Depending on the choices on the options, the filter rules result in the following behavior for selection of documents or pages:
Filter option Possible settings Apply rule while: Collecting documents Indexing documents Rule type: Exclude Include Rule basis: URL text File type
Option for applying the rule Selected rule type option Exclude Include Apply rule while Collecting documents The page or document is excluded, and links on the page are not explored. Only pages or documents that meet the criteria and that have a link on a parent page that meets the criteria, starting with the initial site. Apply rule while Adding documents to index The page or document is excluded, and links on the page are explored. The entire site is searched, and pages or documents that meet the filtering criteria will be included. For more details about filter rules and how to apply them refer to the Manage Search portlet and its help.
Parent topic:
Manage the content sources of a search collection