Configure virtual portals for business process integration



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To enable virtual portals for business process integration, manually create a task list page, place the My Tasks portlet on it, and enable the task list page as a task page container. Use the following steps to configure a virtual portal for business process integration.

  1. Log in into the virtual portal

  2. Click...

    Administration | Portal User Interface | Manage Pages

  3. Create a page with the title, My Tasks.

  4. Place the My Tasks portlet on that page.

  5. Click...

    Administration | Portal Settings | Custom Unique Names

  6. Assign a unique name to the My Tasks page

  7. Go to the configure mode of the My Tasks portlet and ensure that the correct unique name is specified for the extension node

  8. Open a command prompt and invoke the WPSconfig command line script with the enable-page-as-extension-node task name to enable the page as the task page container. Include the following properties for this configuration task.

    • -DPageUniqueName=pageUniqueName

      ...where pageUniqueName is the unique name of the extension node.

    • -DVirtualPortalContext=virtualPortalContext

      ...where virtualPortalContext is the context of the virtual portal that the specified page belongs to.


Parent topic:

Configure the portal for business processes


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Customize the theme for process integration


Related information

Change task list settings
Change the task page container