Configure virtual portals for business process integration
To enable virtual portals for business process integration, manually create a task list page, place the My Tasks portlet on it, and enable the task list page as a task page container. Use the following steps to configure a virtual portal for business process integration.
- Log in into the virtual portal
- Click...
Administration | Portal User Interface | Manage Pages
- Create a page with the title, My Tasks.
- Place the My Tasks portlet on that page.
- Click...
Administration | Portal Settings | Custom Unique Names
- Assign a unique name to the My Tasks page
- Go to the configure mode of the My Tasks portlet and ensure that the correct unique name is specified for the extension node
- Open a command prompt and invoke the WPSconfig command line script with the enable-page-as-extension-node task name to enable the page as the task page container. Include the following properties for this configuration task.
- -DPageUniqueName=pageUniqueName
...where pageUniqueName is the unique name of the extension node.
- -DVirtualPortalContext=virtualPortalContext
...where virtualPortalContext is the context of the virtual portal that the specified page belongs to.
Parent topic:
Configure the portal for business processes
Related concepts
Customize the theme for process integration
Related information
Change task list settings
Change the task page container